January 2024 hatch-a-long

Merry Christmas! šŸŽ„

I think Iā€™ve removed all the infertile eggs. There was one blood ring (the double yolker, as expected) putting my total eggs set now 39/58ā€¦not exactly the best fertility rate, but I think these two particular olive egger and marans girls just refuse to be mated šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and I set a lot of their eggs because they were nice and big.

Iā€™m already collecting more of the speckled olive eggs for another hatch because theyā€™re my favorite color, fertilized, and from a sapphire olive eggerā€¦putting the chance of getting splash babies higher!


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Some of my MT egg chicks, are very small, I will put them in with these 2 egg chicks when they hatch, so these will not feel so alone.
31 eggs in lockdown, and still another 24 in the 2nd incubator šŸ«£ I really hope people want to buy mixed chicks in January. I shouldnā€™t hatch so many, because I have enough dang chickens, but my quest for splash Easter/olive eggers is consuming me lol. I want a whole coop full of them!


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