June duck egg hatch along

I hope you don't mind me joining in. I have 20 ducks and they can do better in the cold than in the heat. Mine have been just fine at 14 below F here in Ohio. I have lots of shade for them in the summer because the heat is hard on them. Good luck with your ducklings. I have 6 right now, 3 Mallard, a possible Hinnie since the drake was a Black Swedish Call Duck and the Hen was a possible Muscovy and 2 Fawn and White Runner Ducklings that I am hoping at least one is a female. I also have a Mule Duck. The Drake was a big Muscovy and the Hen was a Rouen Duck. She can't lay but my Hinnie will be able to if it is a girl. The eggs will not be fertile though which is fine with me.
You are right though about maintaining them in the winter. I have lots of heated water bowls and access to electric for them. If not it would be a real pain carrying water to them all of the time because of the ice in the bowls without being heated.
I hope you don't mind me joining in. I have 20 ducks and they can do better in the cold than in the heat. Mine have been just fine at 14 below F here in Ohio. I have lots of shade for them in the summer because the heat is hard on them. Good luck with your ducklings. I have 6 right now, 3 Mallard, a possible Hinnie since the drake was a Black Swedish Call Duck and the Hen was a possible Muscovy and 2 Fawn and White Runner Ducklings that I am hoping at least one is a female. I also have a Mule Duck. The Drake was a big Muscovy and the Hen was a Rouen Duck. She can't lay but my Hinnie will be able to if it is a girl. The eggs will not be fertile though which is fine with me.
Yes the more the merrier!
I’m totally new to ducks. I’m glad they do well in the winter temps. You have quite the crew!
You are right though about maintaining them in the winter. I have lots of heated water bowls and access to electric for them. If not it would be a real pain carrying water to them all of the time because of the ice in the bowls without being heated.
That was my only thing about them with water freezing in winter but saw the heated water bowl option and was like yup I’m getting them lol
You are right though about maintaining them in the winter. I have lots of heated water bowls and access to electric for them. If not it would be a real pain carrying water to them all of the time because of the ice in the bowls without being heated.
I'm the sucker that brings out buckets of water for his, lol!
Candled today as I forgot to when I got the eggs and one has a major crack and will have to be tossed :( another has a free floating yolk so I’m guessing no good and other smaller egg looks clear but I’ll keep my hopes up on that one since it’s only day 2. Probably should have picked up more than 6 eggs but didn’t look into incubating and hatching until I got them (silly) and realized they are apparently much harder to hatch than chickens.
Candled today as I forgot to when I got the eggs and one has a major crack and will have to be tossed :( another has a free floating yolk so I’m guessing no good and other smaller egg looks clear but I’ll keep my hopes up on that one since it’s only day 2. Probably should have picked up more than 6 eggs but didn’t look into incubating and hatching until I got them (silly) and realized they are apparently much harder to hatch than chickens.
That they are. One of the reasons I prefer to have them hatched by a momma. Still, I've got six in my own incubator right now that are looking okay *knock on wood*

The 'regular' eggs being sat by Muscovy right now should hatch midweek *more wood knocking*

My Buff went broody and if those are good they should hatch around the 20th.

And as for the actual Muscovy eggs, well, who knows. I didn't write anything down, lol!
@Canadian Wind have you had any hatch yet?

I am pretty sure my two pekin eggs had an early death :( looking pretty dark no movement and no veins. If tomorrow is same they will go. 3 white duck eggs (Swiss,Orpington,appleyard?) look good 😊
Hatch date possibly the 30th? At least hoping for two to hatch or I will have to plead with the local community for at least one more!
@Canadian Wind have you had any hatch yet?

I am pretty sure my two pekin eggs had an early death :( looking pretty dark no movement and no veins. If tomorrow is same they will go. 3 white duck eggs (Swiss,Orpington,appleyard?) look good 😊
Hatch date possibly the 30th? At least hoping for two to hatch or I will have to plead with the local community for at least one more!
Oh shoot, completely forgot about this thread, I'm sorry! (says one Canadian to the other)

I have indeed been having some hatches, one of my broodies has a bunch of fosterlings, and I lost another broody so I brought her eggs in and have them hatching now. Three so far, and one pipped but not zipped.

Also have two internal pips from my incubator eggs. I don't know if I'll get more than those, though.

Still three Muscovy and two 'regular' ducks on nests. One due next week!

Oh shoot, completely forgot about this thread, I'm sorry! (says one Canadian to the other)

I have indeed been having some hatches, one of my broodies has a bunch of fosterlings, and I lost another broody so I brought her eggs in and have them hatching now. Three so far, and one pipped but not zipped.

Also have two internal pips from my incubator eggs. I don't know if I'll get more than those, though.

Still three Muscovy and two 'regular' ducks on nests. One due next week!

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Ah so adorable! Also I’m sorry that you’re sorry 🇨🇦 lol
I love that brown colored one! That’s too bad about your broody you lost. Hoping all the hatches go well!
Ah so adorable! Also I’m sorry that you’re sorry 🇨🇦 lol
I love that brown colored one! That’s too bad about your broody you lost. Hoping all the hatches go well!
It's fun breeding mixes, you never know what's going to come out, lol!

Hope yours make it through, too! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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