Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Except then I realized - I bet I could find a leash for one and I would pay good money to see her face if I strolled up to her door with one of the chickens on a leash,

And lo and behold - My Pet Chicken has them in all kinds of colors. Anyone know if the large would fit a big Roo? I think I should wait until a Biehlefelders or Marvin the Australorp Roo is BIG to make it even funnier...I am also thinking Purple. It's such a festive color - all the better to yank her chain.

They aren't all that hard to make! I think the trickiest part is measuring the bird.
I think is also helps to train the birds while young to accept the harness - and pick a relatively calm bird who already tolerates handling.
Agreed. I put a no-crow collar on my three year old rooster and the way he threw himself around slamming into things and flipping over, you'd have thought I was hanging him. Even a couple weeks later he'd just out of the blue jump into the air and kick at his neck. Months later, he's fine with it but won't let me near it to snug it up.
I have an OE that just hatched (two days old), but it won't get up and walk and its eyes are still closed. Should we just let it die because its not really eating, but when we touch it it chirps like crazy and the hen tries to help it out. It still has a little bit of the umbilical cord hanging from it. We are thinking it came out too early (premature). I was gonna post a video of it, but no joy. Cant attach anything because it says I don't have permission.


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