Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Something got one of my 4 week old chicks today and curious if you guys think it was a hawk or stray cat. We have a secure coop and run but they were out in the open topped pasture area we have for them. Hubs came home and everyone was in the coop which his very strange and one baby was missing. We thought hawk but we've been seeing a stray cat around lately and just now it came stalking by near the chicken area. The yard has 5-5.5 foot chicken wire all around with wood at bottom and no top. No holes around bottom where something could have gotten or out. Normally the pyr is out when the chickens are in the pasture but I mistakenly thought we were pretty safe as mama hen has been picking on another one so I wanted them to have more space. Won't do that again
If anyone is in need of hand peeled cedar posts 8' long I still have quite a few from 4 to 6 inch. $7 each cell #517 404 4713
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