Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

And my battery was dead this morning, had to get a ride to work and then a ride to get a new battery. Since my doors were frozen closed I had climb in through the hatchback and kick the doors open from the inside. Whoopee.
I don't miss that, not one bit.

It was 78 here yesterday, temps dropped down to just above freezing this morning, 40+ degree drop.
The ferals were appreciative of the extra food I left by the shed as I headed for work. They have it tough.
We had the tornado warnings and huddled in the bathroom with the cats. Boy, they HATED that. One of my cats is still acting weird around the front door. The thunder/lightning/pressure change really scared her. I probably didn't help when I scooped her up to get her into the safe room.

Man, was it COLD yesterday. Of course, I had to do extra for the birds because we are out of town and I'm testing the food/water situation for our big trip in April and need to know just how long they can take to go through two waters and two feeders.

It's about 37° now and sunny. Love the sun. Looks like our weather will be holding for a couple of weeks, too.


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Hey all my old friends. Been awhile as usual. At least since Randy's passing. Well since last Oct, between Cindy and I, we have been in Maine with my Dad in Hospice in his house. We missed all the holidays together and a few other things. For the times we were out there together my sons shared the farm chores while still maintaining their own jobs and homes. Dad passed 12 Feb and Cindy was with him as I had been back in MI for a little over a week. Anyway, back to not so normal with many trees that fell into out yards and fields due to the weird winter weather we all faced this year. I'm glad we didn't breed goats as our time now is so precious with maintaining our place, his place a thousand miles away, and other family. Life's short. Now to go let the ducks out.
Hi John! Sorry about your dad. Life is too short. Time flies and before you know it, we're the old folks. Did you see, Chickenstock is June 29th. Come to think of it, no, I haven't seen Dreamz on here lately. I'll have to text her and see how she is.
Sad news.

My beautiful white Chantecler rooster, Snowbird, has died. I don't know what happened. I found him at lock up, already stiff.

Two days ago when the propane truck came, he ran out into the run, flapping his wings, ready to defend his girls. Today, he was sitting in his usual spot across from the nestboxes, keeping watch while the ladies laid their eggs.

I will bury him in the garden tomorrow.

Rest in peace, buddy. Fly high and free!

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