
2 springs ago I had a real problem with pasty butt - very unusual for me. I was using a new brooder shelf, and I was told that my heat was too hot for the chicks - and truth to tell, it was was probably over all warmer. Instead of an open air brooder, where the heat is intensified under the lamp but much cooler elsewhere, I was using a shelf cupboard as a brooder, so while the heat under the lamp was normal, the other areas were much warmer because the air circulation wasn't as good.

I made some adjustments and the pasty butt stopped.

course, there are all kinds of reasons apparently why pasty butt happens

how about some pics of those chicks?
Well I signed the papers on my new house in Chisago county yesterday, so now I can buy a #@!? load of birds and have a real hobby again! Coop construction start tomorrow.
I'm a homeschooled teenager who has done no school today.
it's very hard to convince myself I should do algebra and geometry.
Ohhh no! I do not miss math at all! Have fun with that =p I ended up being an art major =p You can tell people probably think I'm a weirdo by the stuff I'm doing outside. I was wattling yesterday, it's on my blog, http://fiveacresandus.com/ =D
You do realize you cannot keep the two batches in the same coop, right?

I would keep the new ones in my basement or something.

I usually put them together after 2 weeks or so if no sickness has manifested itself. chicks are easier to put together than adults...
Perfect! The tub is in our living room =) That way they're warm inside and have their light and I can hold them and feed them from my hand everyday. I am starting to really have a favorite, it's a calico cochin and soooooooo adorable and will even hop on top of it's chick feeder to get closer to me.

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