
Ralphie how is your hatch coming along? Pics? Did you find your turkey nest?

I have no idea how my hatch is going. I had 9 chicks this morning when I left home (5am) for my day of grandpa's Daycare service. The little guy we helped out was doing good this morning he was running around with the rest of them. We could only tell who it was by his small size and the piece of egg shell super glued to his head.

I did not find her nest yesterday. I still think the locate my IPhone app is the way to go, maybe I can sneak the DW's IPhone out of her pocket someday and tape it to Ethel. I think she is down in the swamp again. I was on the other side of her and never saw her cross the drive and yard. I have no idea how she can know I am watching her and when I turn my back for a second.

I only got one turkey egg yesterday from the other 3 and it was a soft egg.

JJ and the Jake were being stooooopid yesterday. They have been together in the same pen with no problems I have never seen those two fight. Which is one of the reasons I kept that Jake besides he is a very light self blue. Yesterday when I removed JJ and Ethel from the Blues pen, the Blue Jake and JJ stood each on their side of the fence and fought. They were even jumping at the fence feet first. Bumping chests through the fence and so on.

It was just weird.

I saw this and thought of you, chickenchick11
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Lightchick Grats!

I am home from Grandpa Daycare service... I have 10 babies!

One is a diamond encrusted creamette!!! BUT she is in the ICU. I give her 50/50 of making it. I have moved the other chicks out. They are in very temporary quarters right now. They are looking good but they are starting to peck at the few remaining eggs and they were really pecking at the creamette when she was still in the egg. The ones we moved are drinking and eating. One may have a leg problem.

We opened one egg that had been pipped for nearly 2 days. The chick was dead and looked almost unformed on the back half. It was weird Eye were really sunken in so it must have died right after pipping.

Here is the one with the egg stuck to her head. She is doing fine but we are keeping her in the ICU to be sure and to give the creamette company. They seem to do better with company. Fingers crossed on the creamette.

We are calling this one Princess Diana because she is back from the dead and looks stylish in her Easter Bonnet..

Here are my replacement/additional EEs..... Notice how they all look like Ole..


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