Need some help ID'ing my new bitties


7 Years
Mar 20, 2017
Idaho, USA
I just picked these little cuties up today, and I'm not 100% sure what breeds they are.
The bigger ones are packing peanut chicks from an order with Ideal Poultry. I'd like to keep one or two, and I've looked on their website and found some matches, but figured I'd double check with you guys.
Pretty certain they're all boys, if that helps.

Hopefully I formatted this correctly.
I took the photos with a phone camera then edited them to be more true to life.

First photo I'm not sure.
Second photo, the closest match was a Golden Phoenix, but not sure.
Third photo I'm thinking something Partridge.
Fourth photo is all of them. Excuse the mess of feed on the floor lol.
Last photo I'm thinking Old English Game Bantam, but not sure on the color. Black Breasted Red?


Not all of them have closeups, since a couple look alike.

They are beautiful. I don't much about packing peanut chicks and shipping chicks but I'd think you probably won't be able to accurately guess their breeds unless it's been stated or until they at least partially feather out. Quite a few breeds and colours have chipmunk striping, when you get extra chicks does it give you a vague idea what they could be?
Packing peanuts are usually male chicks, which shows how little hatcheries regard them

But to be fair, take new photos at 6-8 weeks of age when they are feathered out.
If you have any pullets, it would be terrible to dump them as cockerels by accident.
I'll see what I can do about pictures in several weeks. :)
I'm mostly interested in the identity of the 'Phoenix' looking chick, if he is a Phoenix, I'm definitely keeping him, since I think those long tails on the roosters are stunning.

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