Hi guys! I am NEW to raising backyard chickens in the Central Florida area. I have Polish (6weeks old), Easter eggers and Green Queens (7 weeks old). I’ve been loving this journey of learning something completely new and am really enjoying the community around raising chickens!!

I’ve currently kept them indoors with a brooder on at night and during the day they’ve spent the majority of the time outdoors in a safe play pen set up I have for them. I have finally built a predator safe coop and am wondering- are any of you raising chicks outdoors in this chillier weather? I’m wondering when I can start moving them outside to sleep in their coop? I’ve added some pictures for you guys to see if they’re fully feathered or not (as I’m not 100000% sure right now). I’d rather play it safe and keep them in longer but I think they may be ready? Also- any and all tips for a first time mom here in the Central Florida area would be greatly appreciated. I’ve done HOURS of research but the more knowledge the better! So excited to be a part of this community!!! View attachment 3661284
Welcome to BYC!! It depends how cold it is there, since they aren’t completely feathered in.
Hi guys! I am NEW to raising backyard chickens in the Central Florida area. I have Polish (6weeks old), Easter eggers and Green Queens (7 weeks old). I’ve been loving this journey of learning something completely new and am really enjoying the community around raising chickens!!

I’ve currently kept them indoors with a brooder on at night and during the day they’ve spent the majority of the time outdoors in a safe play pen set up I have for them. I have finally built a predator safe coop and am wondering- are any of you raising chicks outdoors in this chillier weather? I’m wondering when I can start moving them outside to sleep in their coop? I’ve added some pictures for you guys to see if they’re fully feathered or not (as I’m not 100000% sure right now). I’d rather play it safe and keep them in longer but I think they may be ready? Also- any and all tips for a first time mom here in the Central Florida area would be greatly appreciated. I’ve done HOURS of research but the more knowledge the better! So excited to be a part of this community!!! View attachment 3661284
Welcome to BYC! It's nice to meet you.
I started putting them to sleep outside at around 10 weeks. It's really cold so I got a coop heater that could go to a brooder heat so they'd be comfortable in the coop. On the other hand, that's an awful lot of chicks! The lavender/light gray one is super pretty. Have you named any of them yet?

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