NZ / Rex Rabbit Grow Out

I sell my 4h show quality ones for $40 bucks and the pet/ meat ones for $20. There is a breeder near me, supposedly good stock that has some on his website for sale for $500... I don't know who in their right mind would pay that for a rabbit... lol.
Around here the 4-H buns go for $10-$20. I know some people who go to the state fair will go spend more but not for our fair. I know at the grocery store rabbit sells for $6.49lb. I think thats nuts.
I'm thinking of selling but 2 of my 8wks just threw me for another loop
I know I'm new to this but Rex rabbit fur is supposed to be a recessive gene and since their mom was NZW they shouldn't have the fur. Well after closer inspection last night 2 have the Rex fur. So I might keep at least one for breeding. I was looking the CSA sight last night and I saw rabbit meat for sale. One place had 2 whole rabbits for $75
They must be crazy
Good greif! I thought the $6.50lb was expensive. The packages they have at the store was 2 buns and it was $19.
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$19 is about right though. It also depends on where you live and the demand. There's a place by me that when they have them they are usually around $6 each. Its meat store (I wouldn't really call them a butcher) and they have ethnic foods per say.
I sell my mixed rabbits at $12 each from 8 weeks to 12 weeks. After 12 weeks they all go into my freezer.
The Silver Fox go for more, $35.00 each.
Is that $12 live? I've never processed rabbits before so this is new to me. We've raised them for 4-H but have always sold them at the fair and never brought any home.
We have a pedigreed Californian Buck, a purebred Californian Doe, and a pedigreed NZW Doe. Our Californian Doe's first litter is 5 1/2 weeks old. There are only three, but they are big and healthy. One is going to a friend's son for his birthday, the other two are going to be 4-H bunnies. Our NZW Doe has a week old litter of 8 and they are growing daily. They are going to be our first litter of meat rabbits, although a couple of friends have expressed some interest (pets.) We will probably add a third doe over the next few months. The demand is growing here, and we are very happy to be producing our own food on our little half acre. It's great to read all of everyone's posts and see others who share the same interests! Keep up with the pics! I have yet to figure out how to post photos, but will keep at it!
Good luck. I'm starting get random people asking me if I'm selling any of mine. I want to just sell enough so the rabbits pay for themselves cause I'm only working part time.
If you go to the first blue line on the page where it has the index and stuff and click on uploads it will take you to a page where you can upload your pictures onto the site and from there you can get the url to put the pictures in your post.

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