Old people think they know everything.............

I agree with Mark Twain.
Actually,i always thought it was the young punks that knew everything...no??
Huh,.. interesting.... :confused:
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How I laughed at this thread! It reminded me of my own grandma. She absolutely knew so many things, like you would definitely get pneumonia if you went out with wet hair. Getting hiccups meant you were growing. If you didn't hold a new born babies jaw when in yawned, the jaw would dislocate. Tragically, having laughed behind my hand at her 'wisdom' as a youngster, I have now turned into her!!
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.”
Mark Twain

I remember my father telling me this quote. Enjoy and be patient with the old ones, they will be sorely missed all too soon. I miss my conversations with my Dad!

Chickeneer, you sound like a youngster. Just wait, your day will come!

I would give just about anything to have my Grandmothers' advice again - including listening to the lectures they used to give me. I remember when my grandpa died, my Gammie did not know how to write a check.- but what she knew about life was priceless.
My Dad was one of the wisest people I knew. He passd away 20 years ago, and I still miss talking things over with him. My Grandfather passed away 10 years ago - another great loss of wisdom and common sense in my life.
My DSD's would often tell me that my DH and I didn't know anything about - well, anything! Now that they are out on their own, it's funny how often we hear from them with questions on all the things we tried to teach them when they lived with us, and nice that they are now comfortable to come to us for advice when they need it. My in-laws live next door, and it's great to be able to tap into their life experiences. I can learn things from almost anyone. When I'm done learning, I'm done living.
Hahaha I used to love hearing my great grandpa's stories, incredible or realistic :)
As he aged, he used to threaten to turn the neighborhood boys into snakes if they ever messed with his grandbabies!

If he were still around, he would love the chickens and have all kinds of wisdom and "experience" to share with me.
LOL! You kids get off my lawn!

And turn down that dang music!

Remember, ignorant/stupid/opinionated people grow old too. Age does NOT generate wisdom!!!!

If you want to be "wise" you have to think of lots of really stupid things to say... then not say them. Plenty of people develop lots of bizarre opinions and never once think even for a second, if it holds up to scrutiny. There are tons of things that "everyone knows" that are completely wrong. :)
LOL! You kids get off my lawn!

And turn down that dang music!

Remember, ignorant/stupid/opinionated people grow old too. Age does NOT generate wisdom!!!!

If you want to be "wise" you have to think of lots of really stupid things to say... then not say them. Plenty of people develop lots of bizarre opinions and never once think even for a second, if it holds up to scrutiny. There are tons of things that "everyone knows" that are completely wrong. :)


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