Our farm from outer space! (Google earth image)


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Every inch of it is like Paradise to me. The only frustrating part is that since the time this image was taken our little pond has dried up. I want ducks sooo much, but our big pond is too far from the house. Besides that the deer, the bobcats, and the coyotes water at our big pond. I don't mind supplying them with water, but I'm not about to supply them with a duck supper. Anyone else have google images of their places?

thats very cool...google earth cant get a clear pic of my house
i type in my address and i get blurred trees...so apparently i live in a tree house

To be honest, I couldn't pick our place out either, but my SO grew up here so he really knows the area. After he started pointing things out to me I could "see" it. Before that it all just looked like a big jumble.
Could I come over and hunt a few of them duck eatin deer you got going on over there? Antlers AND some nice choppers... man that'd make a great mount.

Cool image of the property btw.
Well I didn't mean the deer were duck eaters, but you know...
I guess I had deer on the brain because I saw three does at the edge of the woods this evening.
I want to homestead in SW arkansas so bad. In the early 1800's my grandfather's family owned almost the whole lower 1/4 of the state. It's so beautiful there. You are truly blessed.

Got the hoodlums along the highway too, but it's not 100 so instead of looking dumb, they are kind of creepy.

Here's me... but with the taxes they way they are, might be a housing development a few years. Can't afford it after dad retires! Maybe I can convince him to move out of the city and back to a place like yours!!!


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