Some lovely looking chickens there.
I used to go to poultry shows when I lived in the UK. I wasn't too happy about seeing chickens in cages but as I learned more about how the fowl were kept and what happened to them after the shows I stopped going.
The people who show poultry (at least the well informed ones do) know that at poultry shows the risk of a show bird contracting a disease is extremely high so these fowl don't live with a flock. They are kept separate from other fowl and may only ever see another fowl at one of these shows. Many breeders show a fowl once and then kill it. It saves the problem of caring for a fowl that needs to be kept isolated from other fowl.
In the end I felt I couldn't support this type of fowl exhibition.

I really did not think of it in this way, I was always just looking for beautiful birds at shows, this has never even crossed my mind! I haven't bought any from shows, but I definitely won't now! Thanks
Here is my list of advice for Germany. If anyone would like to add anything, feel free.

First of all, these are all from my personal experiece, I cannot guarantee the accuracy 100% and the list is not complete. ;)


Chickens must be registered with your “Veterinäramt”. For us it was free. They will give you a registration number and ask how many (approximately, since chicken math is complicated) chickens you have.

“Tierseuchenkasse”: This is a fund that will help in cases of epidemics, disposal of cadavers, etc. It is mainly meant for large livestock or industrial chicken keeping. These are organized by state and dues are quite low if you are keeping a small flock. Maybe couple of cents per chicken and a minimum due of €10 per year.

The “Bauamt” will let you know if you are allowed to keep chickens where you live. In general, if you live in a village where livestock is typical, you should be allowed to keep chickens. In mixed (industrial and residential) areas, it should also be ok. If it is a residential only area with mainly new developments, it could be prohibited. To be sure, check with your “Bauamt”.

Chickens MUST be vaccinated against Newcastle's Disease. Most “Geflügelzuchtvereine” (local poultry associations) will offer the 3-monthly vaccination per drinking water. They will set a certain day/time to pick it up. The vaccination must be drunken within 2 hours of when they mix it, so you must plan accordingly.

Another option is to go through your vet and get shots. This is a vaccination that is good for a year.

Getting the shots was expensive for me the first year, since I was alone bought the whole pack (€60). My vet had just opened her practice and I was her first chicken keeper. She also does horses, so in time she found more chicken keepers and now I only pay a couple of Euros per chicken. The drinking water vaccination should also be very cheap through the associations, since costs are shared.

Finding a veterinarian that is chicken savvy is not easy. If you do your research, you might be able to help them along. If you find one that knows chickens, count yourself very lucky. My vet is willing to treat my chickens and research treatment and medication. She is also open to my suggestions and I am very grateful to have her.





Tylan/Tylosin/Tylosucit (no waiting period for eggs)

Pain Reliever/Anti-Inflammatory:


Aspirin (5-10mg/kg)

Vaccination for chicks coccidia:


Feed “with cocc” can be purchased for chicks. Make sure this is the ONLY thing that they get.


Flubenol: I have a powder, but I have also heard of people receiving the paste for cats.

Concurat: DO NOT let your vet give you this. Unfortunately, people are still receiving Concurat, even though it is not allowed for laying birds. It supposedly builds up in the ovaries and can be passed on to humans where it will build up in female ovaries.

Wound Treatment:

Blauspray (make sure you get the type for animal treatment and not a surface disinfectant)

Bepanthen cream

Propolis Cream


Trichomoniasis (inofficial):

Spartrix (available for pigeons)



Euphrasia: These are eye drops which I use for our chickens or cats when eyes are irritated or lightly infected

Traumeel: Available as an ointment or pills, Traumeel treats sprains and bruises

Viruvetsan: Boosts the immune system of poultry against respiratory and cardiovascular issues. Drops for the drinking water.

Verminex: Drops against fleas/mites on a basis of coconut oil. Also for dogs and cats.

Onions and Garlic: I like to give my hens with respiratory issues/colds fresh cut up onions and garlic. You can clearly tell that hens with the most problems will gladly eat it.

Dosto-Ropa Oregano Oil 12%: 1 ml/3l water (please check directions before use). Oregano oil supports the respiratory tract and the intestinal tract against parasites.

Moro'sche Karottensuppe (Moro Carrot soup):

From Wikipedia:

In 1908, diarrhea killed many babies in Germany. Professor Moro, at that time the head of a children hospital in Heidelberg, found out by experiment that a simple carrot soup decreased the death rate of babies suffering from diarrhea by nearly 50% .[citation needed] The soup was made by pureeing 500 grams of peeled carrots in a blender, adding 1 liter of water, and then cooking it for one hour. After cooking, 3 grams of salt were added, along with enough water until the soup pot contained a total of 1 liter of liquid.

A German study published in 2002[1][2] outlines that acidic oligosaccharides formed in aqueous extracts from carrots (carrot soup) may lead to less adherence of bacterial agents to the mucosal wall of the bowel, thus being a more effective treatment for acute gastrointestinal infections of children than glucose-electrolyte-solution oral rehydration.

In 2009, experiments showed that Professor Moro's Carrot Soup can treat diarrhea caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.[3]

Active Charcoal: Diarrhea

Humane Medicine:


Gelomyrtol is a homeopathic decongestant capsule for human use that contains natural oils. I give 2 capsules immediately when eyes are starting to swell, indicating respiratory issues. Then 1 in the evening on the roost.


Fungizid Ratiopharm: available as cream and spray


Syringes: I purchased a large pack of 100 here: They are cheap in bulk and very nice to have on hand for emergencies.


Ballistol is a gun oil that has a wide range of uses. Also available as Ballistol Animal, but the regular type will do.

Feather mites: spray on the cloaca

Scaly leg mites: spray on legs


Bierhefe (Brewer's Yeast): protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids

Brennessel (Stinging nettle): Vitamins and minerals

Mohn (Poppy seeds): prevents diarrhea in chicks

Traubenzucker (Dextrose/Glucose): available for humans, used for animals that need a fast energy boost, often mixed with egg yolk

The coop:

For painting the inside of the coop, you can get Weisskalkhydrat or Kalkanstrich (readily mixed and available at hardware stores). This is comparable to a lime wash, which is antimicrobial and prevents mold.

Kieselgur: this is diatomaceous earth in a powder form, used for all the cracks and gaps to prevent mites. I also add it to the bathing areas or sometimes directly on the birds. Be careful, as it irritates the eyes and respiratory organs.

Mikrogur: Kieselgur that is water solubale and can be sprayed on

Hardware cloth:

For me, the cheapest source was Siepmann

They offered the same product at half the price of our hardware store. They also carry other agricultural items.

Automatic Coop Doors:


Poultry Specific Supplements:

Rhönfried Hennengold: For better shells and moult support

Rhönfried ADEC: vitamin supplement

Pelin Essenz: colds and respiratory issues

There are plenty more supplements. SL-Chickery is a nice site to visit.

If I think of anything else, I will edit the list. :)
Some lovely looking chickens there.
I used to go to poultry shows when I lived in the UK. I wasn't too happy about seeing chickens in cages but as I learned more about how the fowl were kept and what happened to them after the shows I stopped going.
The people who show poultry (at least the well informed ones do) know that at poultry shows the risk of a show bird contracting a disease is extremely high so these fowl don't live with a flock. They are kept separate from other fowl and may only ever see another fowl at one of these shows. Many breeders show a fowl once and then kill it. It saves the problem of caring for a fowl that needs to be kept isolated from other fowl.
In the end I felt I couldn't support this type of fowl exhibition.
That's crazy! I know a few people who show and they don't cull birds, thankfully, after showing them. It's unfortunate that some people are reckless and will take birds to shows that may be sick, or carrying disease. I recall a few years ago a guy in the States took birds to a huge show after admitting he had Mareks in his flock!
That's crazy! I know a few people who show and they don't cull birds, thankfully, after showing them. It's unfortunate that some people are reckless and will take birds to shows that may be sick, or carrying disease. I recall a few years ago a guy in the States took birds to a huge show after admitting he had Mareks in his flock!
Many people, particularly amateur exhibitors may not even know their birds are carriers of a disease. Your example above kinda illustrates what can so easily happen. If you've spent years breeding show fowl and they catch a disease how easy would people find it to cull the bird they have put so much effort into getting to show standard(?).
If you know of one person showing birds with Mareks, it doesn't take much imagination to realise a) some of the birds at the show from your example will have contracted the disease b) others breeders of show fowl will probably do the same as your example c) if you know say 5, with one know exhibitor of diseased fowl then spread that across the hobby and you have a lot of diseased fowl.
So, killing your show birds after showing isn't so crazy as it sounds and is probably the most responsible thing to do.
How are araucanas doing there? Do you have large fowl or bantam rumpless?

I have a pair of LF rumpless araucana and a pair of lavender british araucana. they are hardy chickens. I plan to breed them as well as some other breeds (marans, greek hooded, silkies, olive eggers, etc) when I move to my new place.
When I was in S.A. I had to go to my doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics for one of my hens.. The State vet was the only one I could call for help and he could only do so much. Thankfully my doctor was great and gave me a prescription, no questions asked and didn't even charge me for the "consultation" :)

I buy antibiotics and any other medications for chickens without prescription. if we (in greece) needed prescription for chickens no antibiotic would be sold and the chickens would finish in the pots:lau
No, I wouldn't go there. Things are very volatile in S.A. at the moment. If you don't mind, I'd rather not go into it here.

S.A. used to be amazing and it's a beautiful country. I loved living there before things went downhill.

I was in pretoria 4 years ago. country is beautiful but I felt like in prison. people cannot walk in the street, they don't feel safe even in their cars and they spend free time in shopping malls. I stayed there for about 3 weeks and could not wait to return home.

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