They are bantams, so it's no big deal.
You know I've been meaning to ask about this for ages - I have 2 silkies and the last few weeks they seem to just hang out in the coop - I've never had them do this and have been worried that maybe they are being bullied or they are avoiding the roosters but maybe they just know it it dryer and better or them to be inside!!?
You know I've been meaning to ask about this for ages - I have 2 silkies and the last few weeks they seem to just hang out in the coop - I've never had them do this and have been worried that maybe they are being bullied or they are avoiding the roosters but maybe they just know it it dryer and better or them to be inside!!?
My bantams stayed inside when they lived outside during unfavourable weather. I think they are wiser than the big guns :lol:
Just to expand a bit - I'm constantly putting wood chip (although it is quite fine), leaves etc in the run but it is actually on quite a slope (our garden is just slope so no moving to help!) so it all just ends up being spread by them and a muddy mess left with a pile of stuff up against the lower fence / thrown out onto the nearby grass etc! I think I need to put a row of breezeblocks or something along the bottom side to try to fix the problem. Also need to cover part of it to keep the water off to start with. Just so hard when our own house needs so much money / time / work - at the moment we have to focus on that (ie getting an inside bathroom, getting the first of our gites ready so we have some income etc etc - doesn't help dh is not well - has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia :hitafter 8 years of bad health issues and a bijillian tests!).
Sorry to read about your husbands ill health PouleChick.
My bantams stayed inside when they lived outside during unfavourable weather. I think they are wiser than the big guns :lol:
LOL you are possibly right!!!
Sorry to read about your husbands ill health PouleChick.
:hugs sorry to hear this. Hopefully treatment will proceed quickly now you know what's wrong.
Thanks both, unfortunately there is no 'cure' for fibro' - but we've actually been living with it for 8 years or so now (even if we didnt' have a name for it!) and he has a pretty good idea of how to self care. He knows he can't push himself physically like he used to, and sleeps later than what other people do - but if he doesn't and gets tired he ends up in a bad place for a few days. He also has his meds in terms of pain etc in place the last couple of years which is helping a lot. Even the GP was happy just to keep on how we are med wise. Now we know what it is we are working on looking into all the natural options to add to the turmeric that he has been taking medicinally with great effect in place of Ibruprufen (after an almost perferated stomach from taking it too regularly). Hopefully we can find some relief from the poor sleep which is part of the illness and increases the other symptoms when tired. Sadly it has meant we are not where we should be with our projects for holiday accommodation here as he just hasnt' been able to do the hours we have needed to do to get the first one ready for last year. Everything crossed we can manage for this summer (or we are screwed!).

From my experience with max of 40C and low of colder than -15C here is what I can tell you about breeds we have here that THRIVE in both :)
-Jersey Giant
-Sex Link
-Rhode Island Red

if temperature does not drop at night like where I live jersey giants would die. we might have up to 39 c at midnight. usually about 32 c in the hottest day of the year.
Just to expand a bit - I'm constantly putting wood chip (although it is quite fine), leaves etc in the run but it is actually on quite a slope (our garden is just slope so no moving to help!) so it all just ends up being spread by them and a muddy mess left with a pile of stuff up against the lower fence / thrown out onto the nearby grass etc! I think I need to put a row of breezeblocks or something along the bottom side to try to fix the problem. Also need to cover part of it to keep the water off to start with. Just so hard when our own house needs so much money / time / work - at the moment we have to focus on that (ie getting an inside bathroom, getting the first of our gites ready so we have some income etc etc - doesn't help dh is not well - has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia :hitafter 8 years of bad health issues and a bijillian tests!).

sorry for your husbund.

I got a few used tyres for free and put them in the runs. chickens love to sit on them when it is cold or if there is a lot of mud. if you don't like the look of the old tyres you can put some branches.

my future land is sloped. I plan to dig a bit on the upper part and put some stones (there are a lot of stones on the property). that way water will not run down the hill.
You know I've been meaning to ask about this for ages - I have 2 silkies and the last few weeks they seem to just hang out in the coop - I've never had them do this and have been worried that maybe they are being bullied or they are avoiding the roosters but maybe they just know it it dryer and better or them to be inside!!?

my silkies run into the muddy run like torpedo!

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