This article explains it better than I can! I was warned a few times to stay away from them, as they can be a bit rough and apparently also responsible for a lot of theft and petty crime. I liked the bunch I got to know though.

thank you for the information. I didn't know they still exist. there are some travelling roma people in south european countries but they have homes where they stay in winter.
Had to video chat with my sister to show her that we did indeed get snow in Ireland because my daffodils were blooming upon her arrival two weeks ago. She was not very empathetic as she is in Chicago where temps tonight are going to -32C.
When I first moved here we lived in west Cork, where snow is not that common, but it happens. We asked a few people what the chances were of getting snow and every one of them gave us the exact same answer: "It NEVER snows here! But it did two years ago" :lol: A few weeks into winter we had a very good snowfall, about a foot deep on the mountains. About two weeks after that we picked up a hitchhiker and while en route I asked him about the weather and if he reckoned we'd get more snow... Guess what his answer was?

He looked a bit upset when I burst out laughing!
Sorry I stopped getting notifications so I disappeared!
That's the Golden jackal, native to eurasia. And native to Croatia :p It lives at the south-part from indonesia, India, Turkey, Greece all the way to italy. Sometimes a lonely one takes a trip to the Netherlands even!
Wow - just looked - wasn't even sure what a jackal was! Now something we have in Oz!

falcon species, weasels, mink, although they usually get seen here when moving to a new water source, foxes, very shy here and dusk till dawn hunters mostly, pole cats, Pine Martens, Ginneta (feral cat), Buzzards (carrion eaters in genral but will take a sick or injured chicken), stray hunting dogs, Badgers (egg takers mostly) Rats (chicks and eggs) a couple of other types of hawk.
Wow that is a goodly list!
It's snowing in Ireland... First I've seen this winter. Had a great evening with my overexcited 12yo lad playing in it :) The Met Alert office is messing with us:
So so jeaouls would love to have snow play wiht my 12 year old boy (and the 17 and 4 year olds too) instead of teenage strops!!!
Had to video chat with my sister to show her that we did indeed get snow in Ireland because my daffodils were blooming upon her arrival two weeks ago. She was not very empathetic as she is in Chicago where temps tonight are going to -32C.

Neighbor lost his whole flock to a fox last summer and we've seen mink in the neighborhood so I am building as impenetrable coop and run as I am physically able!
That is so cool - so sad how they cna getthrough a whole flock so quickly!
thank you for the information. I didn't know they still exist. there are some travelling roma people in south european countries but they have homes where they stay in winter.
Here they live in caravans all year I think - they have areas set up by the state with parking areas, toilet and shower blocks etc - we hae one about 15 kms from us.
He looked a bit upset when I burst out laughing!

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