the food at that Routier looks and sounds amazing :drool! Our 'transport cafes' serve a very different sort of fare, sadly :hit. Glad to hear you had a fab birthday; afternoon nap was a bonus present :lol:
@PouleChick Happy birthady! I know I'm a bit late but I wasn't here and it's never late for this, right?

How are all of you doing, I'm great, feels like spring here today, it's so sunny and warm!

Yesterday I had enough of my neighbour letting his chickens roam in my yard. I told him that I'm afraid that my chickens will get some sort of illness because his don't look helthy at all. Man, he was mad!! But I don't care about him, I said nothing wrong. And now my chickens roam all over my yard because they were afraid of his hens!
@PouleChick Happy birthady! I know I'm a bit late but I wasn't here and it's never late for this, right?

How are all of you doing, I'm great, feels like spring here today, it's so sunny and warm!

Yesterday I had enough of my neighbour letting his chickens roam in my yard. I told him that I'm afraid that my chickens will get some sort of illness because his don't look helthy at all. Man, he was mad!! But I don't care about him, I said nothing wrong. And now my chickens roam all over my yard because they were afraid of his hens!

whatever is on your property belongs to you. make a soup!
the food at that Routier looks and sounds amazing :drool! Our 'transport cafes' serve a very different sort of fare, sadly :hit. Glad to hear you had a fab birthday; afternoon nap was a bonus present :lol:
Makes me want to go back - 2nd great meal I've had there - only discovered it a couple of months back (after driving past for 3.5 years saying 'We must try that it always looks busy!'). I am a great lover of nanny naps :lau
I dont' know I've had some mean sausage and bacon butties from 'them caf's':clap:drool;) :lau:lau

@PouleChick Happy birthady! I know I'm a bit late but I wasn't here and it's never late for this, right?
Thank you - and you are right never too late!
How are all of you doing, I'm great, feels like spring here today, it's so sunny and warm!
Much warmer here too - 11 today and other than 1 day between 10-15c forcast for the next fortnight. Still very grey and raining though - looks like lots of sun due next week though so all good!
Yesterday I had enough of my neighbour letting his chickens roam in my yard.
How could they get in if yours aren't getting into his? Is there a fence?
Zero coop progress. :hit
Decided we really need to address the drainage issues with our garden first so I have been digging trenches to run perforated drain pipes. Went in to fix dinner and came out to find trenches are already working!! This is trying my patience. I really want to get some chickens ASAP but alas, adulting takes precedence.
Zero coop progress. :hit
Decided we really need to address the drainage issues with our garden first so I have been digging trenches to run perforated drain pipes. Went in to fix dinner and came out to find trenches are already working!! This is trying my patience. I really want to get some chickens ASAP but alas, adulting takes precedence.View attachment 1669492
Ugh, welcome to Ireland? Hard to imagine a few months ago it was so dry here. We had no rain for 5 weeks! Keeping chickens confined here is tricky, with the rain and mud. I let my two free range over my massive backyard, so they are fine, but in a smaller space I can see drainage and mud would be an issue. Hope you can get that sorted quickly!

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