My son is also 18. We started him here in Ireland in the fall but their senior cycle is a two year program and having come from a huge and very liberal urban high school he found the rural option here very uncomfortable. Decided it was best to just let him go back and live with my sister for the school year and finish the last year with his friends at his old school and do his university here starting in the fall.
Wow that must be tough being away from him but sounds like it is probably best for him. Hopefully he'll enjoy uni there next year! My nearly 13 year old was asking me if he could go and live with my mum in Oz to go to school - errrr no!
Congrats on the new job @PouleChick , hope you will enjoy it!
@PouleChick Well done! Congrats. Hope it is everything you hope & need.
Thanks both, hoping I'll really enjoy it. On paper it sounds perfect for me and the family!

Due to be 24c but feeling like 28c today according to the weather site - just crazy :eek::eek:- we'll be freezing tomorrow with it only due to be 15 and cloudy!
My nearly 13 year old was asking me if he could go and live with my mum in Oz to go to school - errrr no!

Yup, not at 13!! Only reason we opted for this was because he had done so many years in school with the same friends and it seemed the logical thing to let him finish the last year with them....coupled with the fact that he is living with my sister whom I trust explicitly and is far stricter than I am LOL!
Having an early spring here In Ireland.
Mowed the lawn and threw some wood chips over the flower beds.

One of my ducks has gone broody


Looking forward to having some ducklings around again.
I have been neglecting this thread for way too long!

@PouleChick I am sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis, yet hope you can now treat the symptoms better.
Also, a belated Happy Birthday! What a birthday meal. That looked soooo good.
And, last, but not least: Congrats on the job! It sounds perfect.

I can add the Dutch rules for Ducks (and what species), and the rules for traveling with ducks to and through Europe. But not chickens though.
I didn't know that. Just let them out before the border and lure them over, that way you didn't transport them over. :D

Forecast for dry weather here so hubby and I spent today sketching out building plans for my first ever coop and plan to break ground tomorrow :wee!!! Have 10 reclaimed wood doors that once measured and laid out means I am getting a 2.5M by 1.6M building. But first need to clear and level the spot in the garden and move gravel in before we build the foundation which is why we are thrilled for a few dry days this weekend.:celebrate
How exciting! Have you made any progress?

Well hello everyone! sorry didn't get notifications and have been out of action with a bad cold the last week. Finally got my small back to school today so very happy - and my head has stopped hurting!

Frustrating isn't it! We started wanting to put lintels in just as the temps dropped below what concrete likes to set! Would love to see the progress of your place!

Is it just down here or has it stopped raining elsewhere? So excited have had a couple of days of sunshine now :ya:ya:clap:clapeven managed a little gardening (well clearing / weeding etc). yesterday managed 2 loads of washing totally dry on the line - without even the need for 5 minutes in the dryer - spring is a comin'! :ya:ya:yaOh and I spotted some of those little purple bulbs have come up (crocuses??)
We have had lovely weather as well, which is too early, but I was grateful for being able to get a head start on the garden.

I knew feeding chickens kitchen scraps was illegal in the UK but apparently it's EU as well.
Another law that has a reason for being there (animal by - products and waste being used as feed), but turns into something ridiculous...


What a beautiful property!
Having an early spring here In Ireland.
Mowed the lawn and threw some wood chips over the flower beds.
Oh wow your place is amazing - and your garden so tidy!
@PouleChick I am sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis, yet hope you can now treat the symptoms better.
Also, a belated Happy Birthday! What a birthday meal. That looked soooo good.
And, last, but not least: Congrats on the job! It sounds perfect.
Thank you Ana!

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