this is just a part of view. I took these photos last summer:
View attachment 1705568 View attachment 1705569

this is another village on the other side of the road. my village is behind my back. my place is the last plot in the village so it is very quiet but still close to people.
That looks like a good spot.
Not quite the same as here but more similar than I remember Greece being.
It is gorgeous! Perfect sitiuation - our last 2 French houses were like that on the edge of the village with great views but still in the village. Now were are in a little group of houses just outside the village but close enough the kids can bike to the shop / pool etc. So you said you aren't living there yet or am I getting confused?

The sun is out :ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:yahonestly I'm hopeless with the grey - loose all motivation so all excited to get out in the garden / get washing hung and start on my spring cleaning! Would like to be sorted before I start work on the 1st April, looks like the weather will be pretty good too with only the odd day of rain.
We've got water problems here.:(
Really need regular rainfall in February and March for stuff to grow later in the year.
It's rained all around us but not a drop fell here.
We've got water problems here.:(
Really need regular rainfall in February and March for stuff to grow later in the year.
It's rained all around us but not a drop fell here.
Oh no that is really not good. I was starting to worry here too, we hardly had a drop in February which was lovely for my mental health but I ended up having to water the pots - just crazy. We've had a good amount since then though. Really hope you get some rain through before summer arrives :hugs
Hi I'm in north-west France (Normandy/Pays de la Loire border). British, but I've been living here for 8 years. I have elderly mixed-breed chickens (they were young in the avatar picture), and I want to start raising some local heritage breed youngsters. I have 3 young hens who are crosses of heritage breeds (Faverolles, Araucana, Orpington - possibly others). I hope one will go broody as I plan to buy fertile eggs of a very rare Normandy breed "La Gournay". I'm finding my way around where to buy products in France, so hopefully I might be able to help with local information. Thanks for setting up this thread @PouleChick :)
Oh no that is really not good. I was starting to worry here too, we hardly had a drop in February which was lovely for my mental health but I ended up having to water the pots - just crazy. We've had a good amount since then though. Really hope you get some rain through before summer arrives :hugs

We have so much rain in Normandy most of the time! Great for lush green grass and for some plants. The chickens cope, but the goats need extra care to keep dry and healthy. A typical day is windy with rainy and sunny spells. The strange thing is how mild it has been this winter. February was like spring (and the grass is growing). The problem is the parasites won't have been killed off. It will be interesting to see how the season pans out. Hope you get the rain you need down south!
Welcome to our thread!
I hope one will go broody as I plan to buy fertile eggs of a very rare Normandy breed "La Gournay". I'm finding my way around where to buy products in France, so hopefully I might be able to help with local information. Thanks for setting up this thread @PouleChick :)
I just had a look - they are gorgeous with thier white spots on black - really like the look of them and sounds like they are very good dual purpose - apparently thier meat is excellent (compared with Bresse on one site). I have found my best option for choice and price is our local Co-operative Agricole (here is it the Co-operative Perigourdian - they have lots of shops all over the Perigord). I'm guessing there would be a Normand equivalent?

The strange thing is how mild it has been this winter. February was like spring (and the grass is growing). The problem is the parasites won't have been killed off. It will be interesting to see how the season pans out.
I know - I was in 20c in Perigueux on Christmas eve :eek:then again up to that in mid Feb for a few days :eek:so really only 6 weeks of proper wintery weather! We've used 1/2 the wood we used last year and we are running 2 woodburners at times (which we weren't last year - had a pellet heater and one wood). Yes, it is a worry with the parasites - I'm also worried about if we have a hard frost again in the coming month or so. 2 years ago we had an early / warm spring and then a very hard frost at the end of April which wiped out much of the fruit and nut production in the area for the summer.

So nice to have my washing on the line today :celebrate:celebrate(although pesky clouds coming in - they can go away - I have 3 loads hung out and another waiting to be hung!).
It is gorgeous! Perfect sitiuation - our last 2 French houses were like that on the edge of the village with great views but still in the village. Now were are in a little group of houses just outside the village but close enough the kids can bike to the shop / pool etc. So you said you aren't living there yet or am I getting confused?

The sun is out :ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:yahonestly I'm hopeless with the grey - loose all motivation so all excited to get out in the garden / get washing hung and start on my spring cleaning! Would like to be sorted before I start work on the 1st April, looks like the weather will be pretty good too with only the odd day of rain.

unfortunately I am still waiting for the construction permit.
That looks like a good spot.
Not quite the same as here but more similar than I remember Greece being.

my new place is 15 km from the sea side, up the hill so I will have some green around. especially when I plant all trees I already bought.

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