Anyone else fermenting feed or sprouting their own fodder?
Okay, so after reading everything I can, I have decided to start fermenting my feed and sprouting fodder for the winter. All the farmers are telling me that we are in for a hard winter, not like the past 4. So I want to get them some fresh greens and fodder is the easiest way I think. One farmer even gave me a kilo of barley to start with. Well, he does come to my house and drinks my whiskey so I think its an even trade off. :p
Last weekend, I recently had to chance to buy 125kg of dry scratch feed for 50€ so not being rich, I did it.
My first batch of fermenting will start today and the fodder, well I need to get a few things at the local 1€ store tomorrow.
The wife thinks I've gone crazy, doing all of this for our ladies, BUT she likes the fresh eggs everyday and its keeps me busy/out of her hair ;);).
So again, anyone else doing this? Let me know! I'm always willing to learn from your efforts!
Hey Papa John59.:)
I wrote a not too serious article on my feed fermenting experiences. It may put a smile on your face.
Anyone else fermenting feed or sprouting their own fodder?
Okay, so after reading everything I can, I have decided to start fermenting my feed and sprouting fodder for the winter. All the farmers are telling me that we are in for a hard winter, not like the past 4. So I want to get them some fresh greens and fodder is the easiest way I think. One farmer even gave me a kilo of barley to start with. Well, he does come to my house and drinks my whiskey so I think its an even trade off. :p
Last weekend, I recently had to chance to buy 125kg of dry scratch feed for 50€ so not being rich, I did it.
My first batch of fermenting will start today and the fodder, well I need to get a few things at the local 1€ store tomorrow.
The wife thinks I've gone crazy, doing all of this for our ladies, BUT she likes the fresh eggs everyday and its keeps me busy/out of her hair ;);).
So again, anyone else doing this? Let me know! I'm always willing to learn from your efforts!

I had bad experience with fodder. a greedy hen choked to death.

my chickens loved fermented feed. but you need time to do it. with 6 coops I had to give it up. I am going to have at least 15 coops so I might ferment little feed and give it every day to a different flock.
I had bad experience with fodder. a greedy hen choked to death.

my chickens loved fermented feed. but you need time to do it. with 6 coops I had to give it up. I am going to have at least 15 coops so I might ferment little feed and give it every day to a different flock.
So sorry to read about your hen. I have one just like her. Before, she chased the other two away until she got her fill. I now move her into an enclosure and feed her there and the other two out in the run.
WOW! 15 coops! Chicken math take over?
Anyone ever considered feeding their chickens bean and grain spouts? I might just give it a go. I'd like to see if my chickens would eat spouted lentils. It's a cheap source of protein and full of other good stuff.
Now you have me interested on bean sprouts! What type of bean are you thinking of?

I've started my barley sprouts yesterday so now I have to wait and see. But I did find this web site that talks all about sprouting and chickens. Have a look.....

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