:frow:frowI thought it might be nice to have a European thread to share our experiences and support each other when needed. I also like the idea of somewhere to ask about meds / products that we have access to that are different to the US and UK. I'm guessing even hatching eggs would possibly be doable within Europe!

@Cragg Klefor
@Henrik Petersson
@Debby in france
I'll add tags as I spot people - please do the same.

Edited to add product information. Please tag me if you post information from your country so that this list can stay edited and up to date - thank you.:

Do you refer to people in the UK? Cause I don't think there are many people on the main land that have Irish blood. Can't remember any history lessons that they ever invaded Europe.
I do! My father was born in County Donegal and at the age of 4, the family immigrated to the USA (1927) Now to really confuse everyone mother was born in Germany and her parents along with 3 brothers and a sister immigrated to the USA in 1936, when she was only months old.
I was born in the USA and I immigrated back to Germany in 1994.....only because my wife would not agree to live in the States. Had I been able to quickly find a job in Ireland, we would have moved there.
Ok friends! Word of the wise.....H5N8 bird flu has been confirmed in Germany.
So to beware to properly check your birds for the following symptoms.......

"How to spot avian influenza
There are 2 types of avian influenza.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is the more serious type. It is often fatal in birds. The main clinical signs of HPAI in birds are:

  • swollen head
  • blue discolouration of neck and throat
  • loss of appetite
  • respiratory distress such as gaping beak, coughing, sneezing, gurgling, rattling
  • diarrhoea
  • fewer eggs laid
  • increased mortality
Clinical signs can vary between species of bird and some species (for example ducks and geese) may show minimal clinical signs.

Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) is usually less serious. It can cause mild breathing problems, but affected birds will not always show clear signs of infection.

The severity of LPAI depends on the type of bird and whether it has any other illnesses.

Anyone who keeps poultry must keep a close watch on them for any signs of disease, and must seek prompt advice from their vet if they have any concerns."
So since each of us are located all over Europe, please refer to your countries' websites.
I thought there is not a real difference between a large flow of immigration and invasion in this context.
the word invasion is quite emotive, indicating aggression/violence, unlike immigration, which just means migration into a country.
they often go to specific other countries. And don’t evenly scatter around the world
absolutely. And in anglophone societies, there is an obvious preference for other anglophone countries!
Sorry I missed the question.

I really like it. It holds 10 litres and you can take the whole thing apart to clean it. It has a filter between the container and the trough hoses that you can rise out too.
Thanks!!! I just bought a big one with 30 liter...I'll see how I like it. But when I have all those chicks I am planing on hatching... I got to have something bigger. Does it leak at all? My regular waterers all leak.. or the chickens make a mess... either way... the bedding gets wet.
No it doesn't leak, it's got a swimmer to stop the water from overflowing.

I read they found the H5N8 in a single wild goose in the Spree-Neisse area close to the border with Poland. and are taking precautions to stop it spreading. Brandenburg have already reacted and have intensified the monitoring of wild birds with the focus on birds which live near water. Poultry farmers have been warned to follow bio-security measures to protect their flocks.

Lets hope all that works and it doesn't spread. Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have had outbreaks since the end of last year.
@Erba, what is this for a waterer and where did you buy it? I'm planning on building a larger coop as I bought a prefab coop. I want one big enough for me to walk into, thus making clean up easier and giving my girls more room...just in case chicken math strikes!
No it doesn't leak, it's got a swimmer to stop the water from overflowing.

I read they found the H5N8 in a single wild goose in the Spree-Neisse area close to the border with Poland. and are taking precautions to stop it spreading. Brandenburg have already reacted and have intensified the monitoring of wild birds with the focus on birds which live near water. Poultry farmers have been warned to follow bio-security measures to protect their flocks.

Lets hope all that works and it doesn't spread. Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have had outbreaks since the end of last year.
Yes, I heard... I do hope I don't have to coop them up.

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