Hi @Honora from Ireland. A 🤗 warm welcome to this thread. Do you have chickens? Other poultry?

@SulkyBantam other Irish are welcome too!
Hello, I have posted here before but it was like a year ago! I have chickens; right now I have Buff Orpingtons and Swedish Flowers. I am originally from California but I moved to Ireland a couple of years ago so I’m still trying to learn the best ways to take care of chickens & incubate here. Are you in the Netherlands? Someday I may go there and get some Barnevelder eggs❤️
Yes I am original Dutch living quit near to the place Barneveld. 😬
And I know that some breeders of heritage breeds send fertilised eggs to other EU countries without problems. I can post a list of the Barnevelder breeders ‘vereniging’ if you like to get in contact.

Travelling is not allowed now. And probably not for unnecessary trips until summer.
Yes I am original Dutch living quit near to the place Barneveld. 😬
And I know that some breeders of heritage breeds send fertilised eggs to other EU countries without problems. I can post a list of the Barnevelder breeders ‘vereniging’ if you like to get in contact.

Travelling is not allowed now. And probably not for unnecessary trips until summer.
Isn't that tempting!! 🙈
Yes I am original Dutch living quit near to the place Barneveld. 😬
And I know that some breeders of heritage breeds send fertilised eggs to other EU countries without problems. I can post a list of the Barnevelder breeders ‘vereniging’ if you like to get in contact.

Travelling is not allowed now. And probably not for unnecessary trips until summer.

a friend of mine is interested in barnevelders as well. can you please post a list of breeders?
Yes, same here. Temps are increasing quick. My chickens locked themselves in the coop/small run combi for 8 days bc of the snow and cold. This week it’s going to be warmer every day. 15C upcoming weekend. 😄
I am so happy with that. I've been working in the garden today, so I can sow this weekend and put some stuff in my greenhouse:wee
This is their website https://www.barnevelderclub.nl/

The membership list is not online bc of privacy rules. Maybe it works send a request to the secretary Secretaris:Henk Bakker
mail: [email protected]
And ask what you are looking for.

On the homepage you can post a request too. This is the original heading and the English text. You can ask in English.

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again sunny but chilly. of course no trace of snow.
I saw a picture of the Acropolis in the snow! WOW. How strange and beautiful 🤩 .
Only the strangeness has a downside too. Climate change. The warm and melting North pole did strange things with the polar winds and was the cause of a lot of cold and snow in milder climates.
All our snow is gone. I was able to clear out all the ice out of the waterer and replace the water! I am a happy camper now! Forecast for the weekend.... up to 20°C... that is a 30°C difference to last weekend. Totally crazy!
And!! My new rooster mated with one of the hens already. Just got him a week ago. He is doing his job and they allow it! Perfect! So keep your fingers crossed that the other rooster did not ferilize the eggs that are in the incubator. I should know soon... a few more days.
I saw a picture of the Acropolis in the snow! WOW. How strange and beautiful 🤩 .
Only the strangeness has a downside too. Climate change. The warm and melting North pole did strange things with the polar winds and was the cause of a lot of cold and snow in milder climates.

it is not so strange that it snows here. but snow does not stay. nature takes care of everything.

a few years ago it snowed in sahara. and snow killed some parasites that were killing palm trees. that is the way mother nature has been working since the beginning of this world. but wicked people take advantage of that so that they justify taxes we must pay.

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