I have 2 copper browns, 2 White Marrons and 1 Sussex pied. Did have another pied but she up and died - ill for 2 days then dead on the third morning :( hence the 2 new whites . They are all free range but come to my call - especially if I have a tub of bird seed to rattle! We have a very large garden and they range all over but get shut in at night.
How do people in the UK stand on the subject of feeding kitchen scraps to your birds? I admit that my 5 get a bowl of veg peel and any fruit that's getting a bit tired in the evening when I put them to bed. They also love bread thoroughly soaked in water, cooked pasta or rice :) The books tell you that no food that has been in the kitchen should be fed to hens - but I can't see why.
@Maiahr I hope you find you’re pheasant again! :fl

Welcome @NickySpink and …@kingb
As for kitchen scraps, I do give it to my chickens. But not over 25% of their feed and not salted stuff (except bread and a little bit of cheese). We don’t add salt to our food or just a tiny bit and don’t eat meat. I think old meat left overs and salty food are a hazard. And if you want max eggs, kitchen scraps are not recommended.
How do people in the UK stand on the subject of feeding kitchen scraps to your birds? I admit that my 5 get a bowl of veg peel and any fruit that's getting a bit tired in the evening when I put them to bed. They also love bread thoroughly soaked in water, cooked pasta or rice :) The books tell you that no food that has been in the kitchen should be fed to hens - but I can't see why.
Yeh I don't see whats wrong with it. I hadn't heard that you shouldn't give them kitchen scraps.
I don't often feed it but when I have left over vegetables ect they get thrown into the chicken run. The birds love it.
Hello and welcome @NickySpink @KingB! What kind of birds do you have?
Hello @AnnaWolf .
As to the birds, I've just had to cull my whole flock of hens due to a respiratory disease unfortunately. I will wait a few months and then hatch some more out. I'll probably get Exchequer Leghorns or some type of Orpington.

The only birds I currently have are 2 Shetland Ducks. I have a thread here if you'd like to see them.
They're so cute!
I only feed carrot tops with green and broccoli stams other kitchen scraps go to the dogs or the compost. But they get allot of garden stuff, cherry's gooseberry's clippings weeds.
I am not ranging them in the garden they are not trusted at the moment.
Got halfway today with improving the fence.
Yeh I don't see whats wrong with it. I hadn't heard that you shouldn't give them kitchen scraps.
I don't often feed it but when I have left over vegetables ect they get thrown into the chicken run. The birds love it.

Hello @AnnaWolf .
As to the birds, I've just had to cull my whole flock of hens due to a respiratory disease unfortunately. I will wait a few months and then hatch some more out. I'll probably get Exchequer Leghorns or some type of Orpington.

The only birds I currently have are 2 Shetland Ducks. I have a thread here if you'd like to see them.
They're so cute!
I am sorry for your flock!
I know the feeling lost my previous flock due to mareks.
Your ducks look adorable, how talk active are they?
A warm welcome from me too @KingB and @NickySpink glad you found us.

As long as domesticated chickens have existed, they have been eating kitchen scraps, That said some really serious breeders, won't give their birds anything but premium feed, and won't let them free range. I like to give mine heathy snacks like sunflower seeds and oatmeal, but left over pasta is definitley their favourite, so nothing wrong with kitchen scraps now and again.

I'll be candling my second batch of 18 eggs today, so fingers crossed for them. The batterie died in my humidor/temp thingy, but that was in my bruja incubator, where now just nine eggs are baking. So I just filled the two reservoirs until the batteries aririve tomorrow,
As for me I don't feed kitchen scraps. But I also breed for show so they need to be fed differently. If I would have chickens just for eggs and or meat they would get scraps for sure. Now they do get carrot peels or pumpkin seeds, stuff like that. Also a lettuce every now and then. I do feed them meal worms and rolled oats as treats.
I have cooked some pasta for them but without the salt. I think the salt is a main reason why you shouldn't feed kitchen scraps. As well as the feed you buy has been made to be the only feed to give your birds what they need to be productive and healthy. When they eat scraps they might not get everything they need. And when they eat scraps they will not eat enough of their feed that will give them what they need.

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