Wat an awful weather we had in w-Germany, e-Belgium and s-Netherland. We just had a a river dike breach a little north from Maastricht. and a lot of people are being evacuated now.

And factory owners, and :tongue:smack:rant people still complain about the costs of doing something about the climate change. I wonder. Do they realise what it will cost if we lay back a few more years?

This extreme weather is NOT a coincidence.
My heart aches thinking about all the things the people evacuated had to leave behind, oftentimes including beloved pets.... I was sad all of yesterday because of it, today I tried to focus on other things and stay grounded in the "here and now". Plenty of chores to do in and around the house.

And I took some pictures of my 4 buff Orpington chicks. They're 8.5 weeks old, but I hear it's hard to tell for buffs especially? Anyone wanna place some bets? 😁
Pictures of the blue laced/black Orpingtons will come tomorrow, as well as the silverlaced Syandottes! (After which I'll make a thread)





Number 2 just about has to be a rooster, right?! Look at those wattles and comb!
Fingers crossed for the other 3 (as well as the majority of the other 11 chicks) being hens!
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Yes... such a horrible situation. What a disaster! My heart goes out to everyone effected by this tragedy.

Well... ... they all look like roosters to me! But they are Wyandottes... and boy have I been wrong about them before!! I would have sworn up and down it was a rooster... but it turned out to be a hen after all. I was told that Wyandottes get combs early and that it is red early on. So... I am going with you and say... number 2 a rooster and the rest is hopefully hens.
Was that an egg that a hen sat on?
Yup, think it might have been. The others should be on schedule though. Just a bit of a hassel, because It will have to move to the brooder, before the others are here. Down to 11 eggs in the other incubator now. Am collecting eggs to take over once, one incubator is free. Need enough to select the best, and more hens.
My heart aches thinking about all the things the people evacuated had to leave behind, oftentimes including beloved pets.... I was sad all of yesterday because of it, today I tried to focus on other things and stay grounded in the "here and now". Plenty of chores to do in and around the house.

And I took some pictures of my 4 buff Orpington chicks. They're 8.5 weeks old, but I hear it's hard to tell for buffs especially? Anyone wanna place some bets? 😁
Pictures of the blue laced/black Orpingtons will come tomorrow, as well as the silverlaced Syandottes! (After which I'll make a thread)

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Number 2 just about has to be a rooster, right?! Look at those wattles and comb!
Fingers crossed for the other 3 (as well as the majority of the other 11 chicks) being hens!

no1 for sure girl, no2 for sure boy. I am afraid no 3 and for might be boys as well. it is easy to tell, boys get red wattles early while comb might be pale pink for long.

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