I like that way of feeding animals. Here on the forum I read that it is all very complicated in terms of food (to be honest I think this is kind of the American way of thinking). I certainly think that poultry can be kept in this simpler way. The manufactured poultry feed was also not there in the past. When I was a child we had chickens and they were given a grain mix and kitchen scraps, they laid enough eggs and aged 'healthily'.

On the other hand, I think it's sad if they get a shortage of certain nutrients. Recently one of my ducks was sick and I don't rule out the possibility that it is due to the diet. I give them prefab food supplemented with extra vitamins (for extra niacin). They are still young and still developing, maybe when they are both fit and mature I want to switch to composing the food myself. I don't have them for production and it doesn't have to be as cheap as possible, I just want happy ducks☺️

Furthermore, the food they now receive contains soy, the production of which is not so good for the planet, so that is also a reason to compose it yourself, then you can choose ingredients that you find suitable.

In what proportion do you feed these ingredients?
I like that way of feeding animals. Here on the forum I read that it is all very complicated in terms of food (to be honest I think this is kind of the American way of thinking). I certainly think that poultry can be kept in this simpler way. The manufactured poultry feed was also not there in the past. When I was a child we had chickens and they were given a grain mix and kitchen scraps, they laid enough eggs and aged 'healthily'.

On the other hand, I think it's sad if they get a shortage of certain nutrients. Recently one of my ducks was sick and I don't rule out the possibility that it is due to the diet. I give them prefab food supplemented with extra vitamins (for extra niacin). They are still young and still developing, maybe when they are both fit and mature I want to switch to composing the food myself. I don't have them for production and it doesn't have to be as cheap as possible, I just want happy ducks☺️

Furthermore, the food they now receive contains soy, the production of which is not so good for the planet, so that is also a reason to compose it yourself, then you can choose ingredients that you find suitable.

In what proportion do you feed these ingredients?

when they are young they need better feed. you can give them 1/2 chicken starter and 1/2 wheat. foraging for treats. that should be plenty. if they eat too much protein they can get angel wings.
Do you mix the food yourself?
Both, I buy pellets and starters for the chicks and I mix for the grown-up chicken. You were in Yambol region, right? There is a company that I like - Roza - Zoohraninvest - I buy their feed and it is good. I am sure they have feed for ducks too.
Don't do the mistake of buying furajomelka - I don't know the word in English - the machine that mills the grain. No use of it.
Now, in case you have missed it, my chicken giveaway charity has been advertised here in Dutch :))

wheat/corn/barley + foraging is plenty for ducks.
Barley is extremely unstable in terms of price here and I have read it is poorer in protein than wheat.. What's the benefit of it?

when they are young they need better feed. you can give them 1/2 chicken starter and 1/2 wheat. foraging for treats. that should be plenty. if they eat too much protein they can get angel wings.
What is angel wings?

Anybody feeding their chicken with beans?
Barley is extremely unstable in terms of price here and I have read it is poorer in protein than wheat.. What's the benefit of it?

some barley should be given in winter when it is cold. it contains calcium as well.
What is angel wings?

flight feathers that grow upwards.
Anybody feeding their chicken with beans?

only cooked. lentils can be fed raw.
Both, I buy pellets and starters for the chicks and I mix for the grown-up chicken. You were in Yambol region, right? There is a company that I like - Roza - Zoohraninvest - I buy their feed and it is good. I am sure they have feed for ducks too.
Don't do the mistake of buying furajomelka - I don't know the word in English - the machine that mills the grain. No use of it.
Now, in case you have missed it, my chicken giveaway charity has been advertised here in Dutch :))
Thanks for the info. I do indeed live in the Yambol region, is that store also in Yambol? Now that I think about it, maybe my food comes from there too (I've always thrown the bags away after opening). I'll keep an eye out for it next time, I'll buy it from a smaller local store.

I've checked your site with the chicken project, it's great that you're committed to it. It is indeed a population group that could use some help. There are also many gypsies in the village where I live, it is very sad that there is so much discrimination against them...
Happy new year guys!

So I finally decided on hatching plans. I'll hatch a couple of Polish chicks and chicks for my Millie fleur Silkie project. And then I'll buy a couple of lavender (not sure about the colour though) chicks. There is a ,,breeder" taking orders. And he's only a couple of minutes away from me!

So will someone be selling Polish/Padovana hatching eggs? I only need 6-12

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