The other thing is, in addition to giving her extra protein, since she did come from a broody, this year she might go broody too. Broodies do an after chick molt, so that's another thing she might do
That could be an idea. Maybe she has some problem assimilating proteins and she needs more!
I have no clue what causes this. For better advice, maybe it’s best to start a new thread.
If you want to give a protein boost, you can give feed for chicks and skip the grains for extra proteins. Give some crushed eggshells/ oyster shell on the side.
The other thing is, in addition to giving her extra protein, since she did come from a broody, this year she might go broody too. Broodies do an after chick molt, so that's another thing she might do
She already went broody last year, but I "broke her". I wouldn't let her go broody this year either, I'm not sure if she could stand 3 weeks almost without eating!
I have no clue what causes this. For better advice, maybe it’s best to start a new thread.
If you want to give a protein boost, you can give feed for chicks and skip the grains for extra proteins. Give some crushed eggshells/ oyster shell on the side.
You're right, maybe I can find someone who experienced this. I searched in the old posts, but I can't find any with followups and I don't know if they eventually resolved!
Does anyone here have experience ordering hatching eggs from to a country outside of Germany? Or, say, eggs from the Netherlands to another country in EU? I’m thinking the hatch rates probably can’t be worse than the eggs I’m ordering shipped from only 2 hours away from my home in Poland (lately 30% or less…) The only difference is the steep price increase compared to the eggs here.

My last three orders from various breeders here in Poland have left a pretty bad taste in my mouth - awful packing, sending tiny pullet eggs or huge double yolk eggs so no quality control, and one straight up scam lol

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