I’ll be hatching 400 eggs this year imported from Slovenia. Bought an incubator on alibaba, waiting for it to arrive

Just for your information
Those chinese incubators are known in Germany as "expensive egg cookers". A lot of them can't keep the temperature or are showing the wrong temperature. That would cause the chicks to not hatch or hatch with issues. Make sure you check the temperature before setting the eggs as well as humidity levels. Best of luck to you!
can you keep aseel with ducks? I hope they would not kill them.

I have never kept ducks, so I feel slightly unqualified to answer this question. I have seen with my own eyes aseel males mating with ducks, and I've heard of aseel fighting with turkeys, but have not heard about ducks and aseel fighting. I am rather certain however, that if a duck were to attacks an aseel, the aseel would respond
So how are things going with everybody?
This year I seem to have a better time hatching chicks. I set 95 eggs two weeks ago. 67 are still in the machine and doing well. I'll be setting 85 (plus what they are laying today) later today. If all goes well I only need to hatch twice this year.

My Augsburger moved out last Sunday. I was saddened more than I expected. They are so great! But I am happy that they go to breeders. Would have been sad if they were "just" egg layers somewhere. They are so rare still.

I also decided to cull one of my roosters. His behavior is just not the way it should be as well as I noticed a white feather in his wing. Not sure if I'll be setting the eggs from this group... still got a few hours to think about it.

Great to hear its been a more successful year so far for you!
I have never kept ducks, so I feel slightly unqualified to answer this question. I have seen with my own eyes aseel males mating with ducks, and I've heard of aseel fighting with turkeys, but have not heard about ducks and aseel fighting. I am rather certain however, that if a duck were to attacks an aseel, the aseel would respond

I haven't thought about aseel - turkey fighting. good information as I have turkeys as well. I don't mind mating roo/duck, there is no harm. drake/hen mating would be a disaster.
Just for your information
Those chinese incubators are known in Germany as "expensive egg cookers". A lot of them can't keep the temperature or are showing the wrong temperature. That would cause the chicks to not hatch or hatch with issues. Make sure you check the temperature before setting the eggs as well as humidity levels. Best of luck to you!
I will be running it for 48 hours first with another thermometer to check, but I think you might be thinking of the Chinese yellow incubator, usually much smaller type of a thing that have a very bad reputation.
I haven't thought about aseel - turkey fighting. good information as I have turkeys as well. I don't mind mating roo/duck, there is no harm. drake/hen mating would be a disaster.

The stories I've heard are with aseel starting the fight. Keep in mind that some (I'll go out on a limb and say most) aseel will not engage with a turkey, they are incredibly smart after all. But it's better to be save than sorry. Yes, a drake mating an aseel hen would be bad. I personally have not heard of such stories, thankfully. I'd keep a close eye on them, however

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