Red JungleFowl? Cockerel or Pullet?

Hi thanks for asking :) We have extended our stay in Hawaii for another month. I think my family thought I was insane, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for your birb 😂 Our poor girl is still very sick, but the pox lesions on her face are starting to scab which I heard is the final stage before they fall off. She had eyeworms and tapeworms inside her body as well, which we treated. I am praying that it hasn't permanently affected her vision.

I am still concerned because I noticed that her pox has spread to the inside of her mouth (so it's a wet pox, which has bad prognosis), but so far it seems to be okay. We are keeping her under the heat lamp at all times and feeding her the best soft foods we can, plus vitamins, supplements and electrolytes. She eats well and has gained A LOT of weight :yesss:. She is essentially blind due to the pox but will turn in our direction when we call her name. She also loudly chirps to demand food when she is hungry, and also loudly chirps every time she poops, as if to say, "I've pooped! Now clean it up!" LOL. Overall life is good. Thanks again for asking, it really means a lot.

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Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad that things have been flexible where you are able to extend your vacation for another month! I hope that by then she will have recovered! I am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers that she will have a speedy recovery and that her vision won't be permanent affected.

I'm glad that she found you & your partner, it seems like she is in good hands and getting lots of love and TLC! Please continue to keep us posted!!!
This has got to be the Luckiest Chicken in the World!

She is so fortunate to have found you. And turned you into chicken people! Welcome to the madness!!!
You know that’s what I keep telling her, but she doesn’t seem to understand! 🤣 But honestly, I didn’t realize how happy this little girl would make me. Her existence brightens up my day and I’m super grateful to have her in my life. Thank you so much for your kind words 🥰

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