Serama Hatch-A-Long!!


I'm currently 4 days in [starting tonight at 5pm] to incubating serama eggs. My first attempt at it I had 2 out of 4 fertile eggs make it to lockdown and died shortly after. I eggsietopsied them. 1 never piped and he other had the tip of its beak through the internal membrane just barely. They were both positioned correctly. They air cells were very large. The eggs were shipped so I had them up in cartons through the incubation process. I ran the humidity around 45% and upped it to 65% during lockdown. Since I've never incubated bantam I was alarmed through the whole process at the large air cells. So, the question I have is, does it only seem like air cells are very large compared to the eggs because their so small? MY hygrometer has been calibrated so I now it's accurate and the chicks weren't 'shrink wraped' when I eggsietopsied them at day 24. What should I do differently this hatch? They're in egg cartons again as they're shipped. I have the humidity at 55%. My bator is a forced air as well.
@bullets incubating shipped serama egg is hard. The membrane seems to detach more readily during transit than with other eggs. sometimes it seems like the full extent of the damage isn't apparent until draw down when suddenly the air cell gets huge and the membrane collapses around the chick. This can inhibit the chick from moving in to proper position for hatch.

I don't know the answers to stop it from happening, but I wish I did.
@bullets incubating shipped serama egg is hard. The membrane seems to detach more readily during transit than with other eggs. sometimes it seems like the full extent of the damage isn't apparent until draw down when suddenly the air cell gets huge and the membrane collapses around the chick. This can inhibit the chick from moving in to proper position for hatch.

I don't know the answers to stop it from happening, but I wish I did.

My last batch all the membranes were very wobbly. You re correct that it became very a parent during the draw down period. With this batch of eggs the mmembrane are much more intact!
My only serama chick i had hatch and male it tjis season. He is 3 mths old and so tiny...


I am watching my chicks' feathers grow... very, very slowly. ;) Next set of three are on day 18 tomorrow.

my serama chick is not silkied :(
I'm still holding out a small hope it will be a pullet that carries the gene. My other eggs are on day 19. It's looking like 3 of the serama air cells have collapsed and one of the EE pipped upside down.

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