Setting Duck Eggs 4/4, anyone else with me?

Alright I made a hole close to its beak. I thought it was shrink wrapped because the membrane is really encasing the duck and has come away from the shell, but it is chirping like crazy at me. So I moistened the membrane and put it back in the bator because I can still see veins. How long can it stay like that?
Alright I made a hole close to its beak. I thought it was shrink wrapped because the membrane is really encasing the duck and has come away from the shell, but it is chirping like crazy at me. So I moistened the membrane and put it back in the bator because I can still see veins. How long can it stay like that?
It will stay like that until the veins all disappear & the yolk is mostly absorbed. It could take up to 72 hours total from the time the bill breaks the membrane to the time it is fully hatched. Just moisten the membrane every 4-5 hours & check for veins.
He hatched! But in not getting to excited because he seems very weak. Won't stand or hardly move. He is peeping like crazy though. Is there any kind of nutrients to give him that may help?
He hatched! But in not getting to excited because he seems very weak. Won't stand or hardly move. He is peeping like crazy though. Is there any kind of nutrients to give him that may help?
Ducks can take up to 24 hours to really get their legs under them & hold their heads up well. Once you take him out of the bator you can dip his bill in sugar water & see if he perks up.
If he is not standing should I still take him out of the bator and put him in the brooder? I have been transporting him back and forth between work and home because I'm afraid he won't be alive when I get home. We have been giving him water off our fingers for the last three days. I I know that everything I've done is a big no no, but I feel like if I had not done it he would not have made it through.
If he is not standing should I still take him out of the bator and put him in the brooder? I have been transporting him back and forth between work and home because I'm afraid he won't be alive when I get home. We have been giving him water off our fingers for the last three days. I I know that everything I've done is a big no no, but I feel like if I had not done it he would not have made it through.
Use a dropper & give him sugar water with electrolytes (a light colored gatorade or sports drink diluted 50/50 with water with extra sugar mixed in works well). This should perk him up. You can also try giving a drop of poly-vi-sol (liquid baby vitamins, no iron) a couple times a day & see if that helps.

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