Setting Duck Eggs 4/4, anyone else with me?

Chickens & ducks take up to 24 hours from internal pip to external pip. Chickens take up to 24 hours from external pip to fully hatched & ducks take 24-48 hours. Relax, be patient & let them do their thing.

A broody will usually sit as long as she can feel life in the eggs under her. So there should be no problem with a chicken hatching ducks that would take 28 days instead of 21.

Okay I'm about to go into lockdown and have a few questions. I know to stop turning on day 25, but if I set my eggs at 4:00 in the afternoon do I turn up until that time? Also, some look to maybe pipped internally do I continue to turn those? They are ducks and day 25 starts tomorrow at 4:00pm. Thanks!

What position are the eggs in? (vertical or laying down?) I personally wouldn't turn them if they have internally pipped...but I don't know nuttin' bought nuttin' cause I'm brand spankin new at this, so take that with a grain of salt. :)
Okay I'm about to go into lockdown and have a few questions. I know to stop turning on day 25, but if I set my eggs at 4:00 in the afternoon do I turn up until that time? Also, some look to maybe pipped internally do I continue to turn those? They are ducks and day 25 starts tomorrow at 4:00pm. Thanks!

Quote: If you see or suspect internal pips, hear peeping or see an external pip, lockdown immediately & stop turning. Hatch is IMMINENT!!!
I turned the egg last night that was peeping and now I'm afraid that it is no longer with us. Ahhhh, this is so awful, so now out of the 5 that were still moving 4 days ago I think only two are still alive. I am worried about one of them though it seems that the air cell is much larger than the others and it has internally pipped, but it looks like way more than just its beak is in there and its been that way for more than 24 hours. Is this okay? My temps have really fluctuated with this hatch and the 28th day is Saturday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Well they just weren't growing big enough and some seem to be dying late. I thought I heard one peeping yesterday and it was internally pipped but I'm pretty sure it's dead now. :(
If an egg has been internally pipped for over 24 hours you can take a safety pin, needle or sharp knife tip & gently poke a small hole in the air cell. Make sure to hold the egg away from your face. I have had eggs I thought were good explode in my face because they were actually rotten inside. Once you have the hole you can peek inside to see if you see a beak/bill & the color of the membrane. A white membrane with movement indicates a live baby. A thick white membrane pulled tight indicates shrink wrap. A discolored yellow, tan or brown membrane indicates a dead baby. If you think you have a live baby, check the links in Sally Sunshine's siggy for assisted hatch instructions.
Okay so I can see the baby breathing inside the egg and it has been doing this for over 24 hours can I just make a hole so that it gets oxygen or should I help it hatch completely?
Okay so I can see the baby breathing inside the egg and it has been doing this for over 24 hours can I just make a hole so that it gets oxygen or should I help it hatch completely?
Just a hole for now & see what it does by morning. Then there are instructions for assisted hatch on Sally Sunshine's siggy if you need them.

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