Setting Duck Eggs 4/4, anyone else with me?

My students have been on the edge of their seat for the last three days. We have hatched 3 chicks out of our four. We had to help one out this morning because it pipped yesterday around 9:00 am and never did anything else. The egg was super small and it had a hard time moving. There was no way it was going to be able to turn and zip. I was so nervous about helping it, but he is doing great now. :) Pics tomorrow. Our duck eggs are due to hatch a week from Saturday.
My students have been on the edge of their seat for the last three days. We have hatched 3 chicks out of our four. We had to help one out this morning because it pipped yesterday around 9:00 am and never did anything else. The egg was super small and it had a hard time moving. There was no way it was going to be able to turn and zip. I was so nervous about helping it, but he is doing great now.
Pics tomorrow. Our duck eggs are due to hatch a week from Saturday.
Just be prepared for it to take DAYS for the duckies to make it out of the shell. You may hear them a full 24 hours before seeing the external pip & then it may take another 24-48 hours for them to fully hatch. Don't get antsy & try to help too soon. They take much longer to absorb yolk & veins than chicks do.
Welcome! Is this your first time hatching? It's my first ever hatch. I am learning a significant amount about incubating eggs and that it also takes a lot of patience, which is sometimes hard for me.
Yes! First time hatching! I had a homemade bator, then switched to a LG just before lockdown (maybe 3 days before?)

Well, I'm only seeing/hearing movement in 2 eggs out of 7 I put in lockdown, including the one that was due today that looked the best when I locked them down. :( I suck at being patient, but I'm going to leave them for at least another day...when I candled one looked like it was trying to pip internally, and one looked like it had, but had no movement...otherwise, no other pips...I hope I at least get one or two ducklings, but it's not looking good right now. :/

I just set 8 or 9 under a broody chicken though...will she quit on them on day 21 or 22 if they haven't hatched? I'll have to keep an eye on her so I can bring them in if I need to.
Quote: Chickens & ducks take up to 24 hours from internal pip to external pip. Chickens take up to 24 hours from external pip to fully hatched & ducks take 24-48 hours. Relax, be patient & let them do their thing.

A broody will usually sit as long as she can feel life in the eggs under her. So there should be no problem with a chicken hatching ducks that would take 28 days instead of 21.
Okay I'm about to go into lockdown and have a few questions. I know to stop turning on day 25, but if I set my eggs at 4:00 in the afternoon do I turn up until that time? Also, some look to maybe pipped internally do I continue to turn those? They are ducks and day 25 starts tomorrow at 4:00pm. Thanks!

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