Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

Don't feel bad TAMMACLEAN, all I got was 2 chicks. Both of my last eggs pipped, zipped and died :/ I don't know what the heck happened. I've got a broody sitting on 4 eggs, but I'm done with my bator for a while.

On the plus side, I did pick up a FREE tiny, adorable black bantam frizzled Cochin today. She was being picked on in her last home, so now she's living with me. She's making me feel a little better about my messed up hatch :love

Enjoy the doll!! The one chick I have is a silkie/Cochin cross. At first we were worried about him/her. It kept falling over to the right but some vitamins and a couple days later and he's running around like a crazy chicken! He's loved very much already.

I'm hoping the last eggs I have will hatch in a couple days. I will put more in and see what happens. Never had a problem in the summer hatching. But I've got the kinks worked out (I hope) so hopefully the next batch will be okay.
Yea, my Spring and Summer hatches usually come out just fine. I'm thinking with the heat going in the house, it was sucking all of the humidity out. I did notice I was having to fill the reservoirs in my incubator ALOT this time. If the heat is messing with my sinuses, I don't think its to far fetched to think it could mess with my eggs too :/ Poor egglets.
Thats what I figured too. It's just so dry. I even had a "tent" with a humidifier and that still didn't help. Now I have a kitchen towel folded up and wet. It seems to be working. The humidity is up to 70% now. I just figure whatever eggs were strong enough to make it till now are just taking longer to develop all the way. I had 20 silkie eggs that I bought from here but now I'm down to about 4 that are still moving inside. It's just sad to to think that all thoses poor little babies didn't make it.
Checked on my eggs this pipped but at the wrong end! That's the second one that's done that. And I'm pretty sure it has passed away. I'm suppose to put more eggs in today but I still have some in the incubator hopefully going to hatch. I think it's time for another incubator. Does anyone think it will hurt the new eggs if I put them in with the humidity up around 70%??
I had one pip at the wrong end too, first time that's ever happened to me. My last 2 eggs that died went thru lockdown and managed to get thru most of the hatching process on their own. Mine were alot further along than yours though (just a couple of days behind). Good luck this time!

Just thought I'd share this as well. This is the little frizzled Cochin I picked up yesterday. She doesn't look too bad in this pic, but her back is a bald scabby mess. So, she's enjoying some high protein gamebird feed. Hopefully she'll be fully dressed again relatively soon.

Just thought I'd share this as well. This is the little frizzled Cochin I picked up yesterday. She doesn't look too bad in this pic, but her back is a bald scabby mess. So, she's enjoying some high protein gamebird feed. Hopefully she'll be fully dressed again relatively soon.
Sooo cute! I have a sizzle rooster that is that color.
Nothing yet from my eggs in lockdown. X( Although this morning I checked on them and one egg was in a different spot than I had left it. Come'on chikies!

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