Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

Okay, you're on egg 10B and it will be called Marilyn, or Monroe, depending. Thank you! Great names!
Thank you! I just got a silkie and I'm in love with this baby! Much luck with the hatch! Hopefully I can keep up with it. Today is the first time I have navigated around on here and my performance is way less than stellar! :confused:
Thank you! I just got a silkie and I'm in love with this baby! Much luck with the hatch! Hopefully I can keep up with it. Today is the first time I have navigated around on here and my performance is way less than stellar! :confused:
I'm sure you'll do fine. If you need any help just yell.
Have you made an introductory post? If not, do so. We'd love to get to know you.
Just follow this link & click at the top where it says "post new thread"
We look forward to a "formal meeting " (& a picture of that new baby silkie too❣️)
Sounds high class! Love it!
With a Penn, will the also be a Teller? They can perform chicken magic together 😃

Their acts can be:
I bet you think I can't eat that, but I will
I'm securely locked in this coop, watch me escape it!
I know it seems impossible to have laid an egg there, but I did
Now you see the treats, now you don't

Edited to fix a few typos 😬
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