Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

I think I told you about my neighbor farmer lady who took my little white silky roo to save him from being culled. She has a flock of Brahmas. I don't know what kind of Brahmas but they're huge. She used to laugh at how he tried to figure out ways to jump on them. Months later, she said they would crouch down for him, but they were so big so all he was doing was squirting his "junk" all over their backs. 🤣
Maybe it's just the thought that counts. :)
Pictures will be required! That sounds interesting.
MysteryChicken is working on this, I think the thread is called giant silkie project, her project is on hold for the moment tho

@LTAY1946 i had a Cornish cross hen who was able to breed naturaly, didn't lay until one year, produced about ten chicks, then the next spring was killed by a dog. she sure was a sweet birds. Mine tho did lay in a nesting box, the smallest she could fit in 😂

@Debbie292d good luck on your hatch!
I think they will be born small and grow large.

Goodnight little silkies. It's going to be a great weekend for you.
Good night to those watching out after them too.
I think you're right. Look at us humans. We are all born small, within a pound or so of each other. Some grew quite large, some not so much. ☺️

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