Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

I have 3 41 egg Hovabators that I can set eggs in a week apart and a 4th to use for hatching. That's not the problem. The problem is having either sales for them at a week of age or enough brooder and grow pen space to grow them to 14-15 weeks so a customer sees what they are really going to get. I think my focus will be mostly hatching eggs along with the chicks from incubating a sample from every weeks gather eggs as a check for real fertility.
Yes ma'am! I'm almost positive. I was going crazy between two incubators and have no idea how @2ndTink is going to manage 90 of these hatching!
I have no clue yet 🤣 some can be grouped together as they should be easy to tell apart, others I'm going to have to band them as I take them out of the hatching baskets. There are a few the local breeder would like tagged so she can see what's hatching and see how they develop. I'm sure I'll make some mistakes, and learn a lot, so it's all good 🤣 I can always hatch more! Lol!
I have my 5 silkies eating and drinking in an incubator being used as a first step brooder. Tomorrow they go to the big house. I built a 4' x 8' x 12" high box with feed and water hanging down the middle the long way. To halt the adventurous ones testing of their wings I put a tent top on it out of a fish netting material. It worked quite well for the last brood. I put this up on top of a banquet table that puts them closer to eye level with us.

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