Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

I'm so glad the 3 buffs that started, hatched! Will you be keeping the paint and cuckoos?

And... which one is a Showgirl!?! 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, those two eggs that had no pip at all came out before the ones that were zipped. One of those zipped was stuck so that was what took so long.

I can't see the NN in the group photo (posting momentarily). I'll have to take a shot of that one separately.
Yes, I'm keeping all of these ones, except the showgirl. :oops:

I'll sell that one, and all but two of the odoban experiment ones, so 5 are leaving, 10 are staying. :yesss:
Congrats on the chicks. Sorry I missed the first 70 pages haha. What was your hatch rate?
Thank you! The shipped eggs were 8 out of 18. (44%) Not good at all! However, I got what I wanted from them, 3 buff chicks, et al.

Two issues: Hens eggs aren't as fertile in the winter, and shipping eggs period is a risk.

The odoban eggs, 2 of each were tossed on the 7-day candling as infertile, but the remaining 3 of each hatched.

All is well that ends well. I am tickled pink and so happy! :love
Anxiously awaiting to hear if you have a fresh little silkie this morning!
Afraid not. The egg I thought had pipped just had a small calcium deposit. Bummer. I think all have hatched that can now. My eggs and silkies hatched enough to get me in more trouble as it is. The sun is out making the light good enough in the sun room for a photo opp when I get back from town. Running my errand while it warms up some. Going after pine shavings for the muddy/slick coops. Have a great Sunday everyone and that includes all the little chicks too
Here are the 8 shipped chicks and separate of the showgirl/naked neck cuckoo.

Hard to tell there's 8 here but it's
4 cuckoos
1 paint
3 buff

Have I mentioned how adorable they are? ❤️

shipped chicks.jpg


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