Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

Eh-hem, any cute chick photos to share @Debbie292d and @LTAY1946 ?

I still have one that needs a bath or something. It's a runt for starters and no idea how it got gunk all over its head and back. It stands there looking at me and cries. I go around the corner and spy and it's running all over the place from water to food. :confused: I have a problem child I guess. I think it's a buff.
I still have one that needs a bath or something. It's a runt for starters and no idea how it got gunk all over its head and back. It stands there looking at me and cries. I go around the corner and spy and it's running all over the place from water to food. :confused: I have a problem child I guess. I think it's a buff.
It's probably a cockerel 🤔

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