Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

I never heard of them so I look them up and then find out there are silkie doves. They can't fly so they're for pets. Next, they'll come up with a silkie dog. Oh, wait, maybe they did!

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This looks like a groomers nightmare. 🤣
I'm pretty safe from the duck charm. I only like muscovies, calls, black east indies, and possibly exhibition rouens. There's a bunch of species I like, but as far as I know, they are not commonly kept. Plus, I can't give ducks the same quality of life my chickens have, so I steer clear, and enjoy them from documentaries
Then there is Red. A Rhode Island Red rooster that I hatched that has taken a liking to me. When I turn in the driveway he comes running no matter how far away he is. He just knows I'm bringing him a treat. When I open the hatch to get out feed he is up in my face looking for any thing that might spill. I love him for letting me pick him up without much fuss and let him eat scratch out of my hand. He is totally out of character for a RIR according to all the other RIR roosters we have raised.

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