St. Patty's Day Green Egg Hatchalong, Set 2/25

Mine are doing well. I have 2 or 3 with twisted toes theft I'm thinking of putting shoes on. They got so big I had to move them out of the house and into the garage and now they are big enough to move to an outside coop but it is too cold. It wont even get above freezing today. I am so tired of snow and cold. We have a calf in the barn I wanted to move the chicks into. Heck, my older chickens had to stay inside yesterday due to snow and cold - it is April, isn't it?

I think the ones that have twisted toes get them because they got too cold even though I have a heated pet pad and a heat lamp in there.

Yesterday I took two chicks to the nursing home for a 4-h meeting. They did well.

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