Surviving Minnesota!


Ralphie: you paint quite the scene.
Lima beans for all chickens I say. I'd rinse of the peas, beans and carrots, too. LOL.

When I got home for lunch I realized that the rubber tubs of feed were full of water from the rain last night. When I got out of my car in the driveway I was mobbed as well. Poor starving birds. Free ranging and food in the coop much to hard to go to.
The Lakenvelders on the carousel really make me wish for white....almost.

The littles' brooder smells like a gourmet Italian Kitchen. Thank you Siggie!
Garlic, Basil, Oregano, Lemon Thyme (I love fresh garlic smell--but with Lemon thyme it is twice as good smelling) in the waterer, and in the nest box I put purple coneflower petals (echinacea) marigold, and lavender. Siggie I tried chopping the garlic and rolling it in cinnamon. I have tumeric for soap supplies but I don't trust the grade for eating. Dixie tried a nibble and she didn't eat any more. Not her thing I don't think. I have the garlic and other things in the waterer she'll get some goodness there.

The chicks have accepted her as mother. I noticed that today. They came running when she showed treats. And they nestled under her breast to sleep. They are big babies. So Dixie is lifted up in the air. LOL. as she went to sleep and relaxed her head bobble was more present. Heal sweet chook, heal.

I am so tired tonight. I could go to sleep right now. But i have a couple hours of computer work... Talk more later.
The single comb is definitely a downer for up here. There are all these beautiful docile breeds and they all have these large combs.

I'll tell you why I like wyandottes. They are beautiful, they free range beautifully, THEIR COMBS, and my two are the top layers of the whole flock. Summer, WINTER, it doesn't matter. They are bitties though. But not enough to make me want to remove them from my flock. That's why i suggested them to you. Also they have a ton of fluff...good for winter.

Edited to add I got an updated picture of RJ (Roger Junior) he is showing more dark feathers...among the red feathering. So he'll have alot of 'Blue' to him it appears (like Momma) : Reddening comb and wattles. The comb looks single. I was hoping for more of the Wyandotte comb. Alas, it is my h-e- double hockey sticks year for bring it on.
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Good morning people with chickens.

Lots of dew on the grass this morning. I still am having visions of flying sweet potatoes and Lima beans....
And laughing to myself about swarms of chickens and turkeys!
Good morning people with chickens.

Lots of dew on the grass this morning. I still am having visions of flying sweet potatoes and Lima beans....
And laughing to myself about swarms of chickens and turkeys!

Good morning, A dark horse wins the first post of the day contest!!

I am glad you got a laugh out of my misfortune.

The birds are making lots of noise this morning. They want out of the coop. I am not sure they deserve their freedom today.
Phew! That was alot of reading! I have a houseful right now - still sleeping and then they leave and different ones come overnight on Saturday.

My son, his wife and four of my grandchildren. We went to gooseberry falls and splitrock and a few other places yesterday.

I am glad Dixie is healing. Quite a shock to the noggin and will take a wile to get rid of that bruise.

Ralphie - yep. You have too many birds. LOL.

Its big breakfast morning and then they are off and about to do something. Its delightful.

With all those strong males here I got the tractor trailer moved to a more permenet location. Tom seems to be quieter. i will try to get pictures soon. Another busy weekend coming up this weekend and next weekend. Hopefully life will quiet down after that and I can stay home.

Happy Summer.
Morning ivie and Ralphie. Ivie your house sounds delightful. Company up and at 'em. My two teenagers are sleeping in these days. I see them at lunch time.

Woot I love winning a posting horse race.

Chicken duty for the neighbors starts tonight. Don't let me forget!!!!
There's no-see ums in Canada. They draw blood without hardly a notice..then you have blood running down your legs or neck and you itch like crazy all of a sudden. a horrible insect.

We're excited to get you north Jerry. It's raining up here now...but the last two days have been gorgeous. Weather is a perfect 70 something. Breezes. We've had plenty of rain so you'll find plenty of water, no dusty roads, and probably a nice mosquito hatch. Good news though that the dragon flies are also hatched.

Okay I will share because it is a learning point for all. I have a silkie, Dixie in a mixed flock of large birds. After a couple messages with Destiny who breeds these birds. She says she does not recommend silkies with large birds in a mixed flock. Silkies with their crests have vaulted skulls and holes in the skull etc. She sent me a photo to illustrate this. I have a suspicion that one of my large hens was asserting herself with some scratch or something and nailed Dixie on her head in a vital area. She now has neurological symptoms. A head bobble. I noticed while on lunch at 1:00. Her neck would lay down..head bobble. What it is is brain swelling. I'm sick. She is a 4 year old feisty hen who has done well for herself until now. This occured while free ranging. When I got home from work. I gave her oil from a vitamin E capsule. She had a good dose of vitamins from a Merricks boost in the water founts this morning. It may have been a blessing in disguise that I started that today. IDK... I will give her a few days to readjust...hopefully have the swelling go down. I will also tell you all that the bobble seemed noticably less this evening. (about 4 hours later) So I'm keeping my hopes high that this will will go away with time. Will keep up with Vit E oil and vitamins in water to give her the best chance over these next few days.
Oh no! Wow, I did not know anything about silkies. Hope she gets better soon!

Quote: Holy Hanna! No thank you!

Significant difference in Dixie today. I think she may recover from this. Small tic with her head that's it. Sort of not noticeable if you didn't know better. She is high functioning. Eats, drinks, protects the Littles. Her neck stays up. Just every once in a while she turn her head side to side. But that's even slight from yesterday.
DH is a softy. He wanted me to hold on the culling. He said an axe is a lot harder to cure than this. Usually his advice is taken with a grain of salt because this is 'my project' and I've been reminded of that fact over and over. But I'm glad things are progressing nicely for her. I have a suspicion of which hen whacked her. Dixie is skiddish of the big girls. I know why.
Yey, hope she continues to get better!

You know it is hot when chickens do this . Not my photo .
Mine didn't do that, but I did have one settle right in last year and enjoy the cool water for about 5 minutes!

I have a sad story to tell. I have discovered a person can own too many birds. I went to Monticello today, to CUB, which just happens to hooked to the Runnings store.... I bought some groceries because as we all know I am the perfect husband. I even bought the WWD a squash, I do not care for them but thought I would make her one for tonight. One of my purchases was sweet potatoes and another was frozen Veggies. I bought the good veggies with Peas, corn, carrots and lima beans. I put the 2 sweet potatoes in the plastic bag and the veggies on top of them.

When I got home I tried to take as few trips as possible. I started for the deck and the sweet potato cut a hole in the bag and torpedoed itself into the sand. This allowed the veggies to follow. They hit the ground bursting open and spreading for about a 4 foot circle. I screamed "NO" in reaction to this. My birds are use to coming running when I yell because that is how I get them to the deck for treats and left overs. I had a stampede of birds rushing me and grabbing the veggies.

They picked faster than I did. I only managed to save about a cup of the bag. and there is a little poop and sand mixed into that. I will wash it off though, and because I am the perfect husband present them all cooked up to my Dear Judy with her squash.......That will teach her to swipe my cookies!
Ralphie, Hahaha!
We also get those "white" sweet potatoes from cub. very tasty. but they do cut through that plastic bag, all the time! try cooking them in the oven at 450 for 1 hr (45 minutes if small). Soooo good! that is the texas roadhouse recipe.

Good morning people with chickens.

Lots of dew on the grass this morning. I still am having visions of flying sweet potatoes and Lima beans....
And laughing to myself about swarms of chickens and turkeys!
Good morning! BC Hope for happy healing today. She is such a sweet little mama.

Have a great day everyone!

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