Surviving Minnesota!

What would you guys put for identification of animal? Someone put color, some people put name of animal, and I leave it blank usually
So I have a question... I want to treat for mites and was wondering if I could empty out the coop and spray it with down with Raid. Afterward I would lock everything out for the day and let it air out. What do you all think?
Oh really, amazing how similar they look at that age. I don't know, maybe.... Do they get along with your Campbells? That's great you found her! I wonder where she was!

What? What kind of egg could be hatching now and you thought it would be 28 days from now? Did you mistake the date by that much?

They all get along fine. A Muscovy Drake may try to mate with Khaki's, however, and the offspring will be sterile. My KC female isn't laying yet, so I'm not worried. Plus, there's enough separation most of the day. My drake also simply doesn't care enough about them.

It's a Muscovy egg. I mark the date black on the egg when I put them in the bator and it said 6/17. I use pencil to mark the date of when I gather them. I do have some lockdown eggs that I just put under a duck hen a few days ago. It's possible this egg belonged with that bunch and I blindly marked it wrong in the bator. I'm completely baffled. Muscovy eggs are 35 days where I think other ducks are 28. It fully hatched a few hours ago, but I think there's some problems. There's brownish crap all over it and it has a rusty blood smell (for lack of better description). The yolk and everything appears absorbed. And maybe it's just too new with no mobility at the moment, but it looks like it has wry neck. It's chirping and moving. I'll see what's going on when I get home. If worse come to worse, DH will have to put it down. Still completely baffled....

I would put Generation f23, hatch # 342 chick# 12322

Make them think you have millions and really know what you are doing, and to pick that one from the millions it must be the best!

=) Lol
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Good Morning. So much to do and so little time. Still feelin good about that coop and getting it more together. Looking forward to remodeling its look. It is pretty quaint with those cement blocks under it. Taking on a whole new look.

Gotta get to it.
They all get along fine. A Muscovy Drake may try to mate with Khaki's, however, and the offspring will be sterile. My KC female isn't laying yet, so I'm not worried. Plus, there's enough separation most of the day. My drake also simply doesn't care enough about them.

It's a Muscovy egg. I mark the date black on the egg when I put them in the bator and it said 6/17. I use pencil to mark the date of when I gather them. I do have some lockdown eggs that I just put under a duck hen a few days ago. It's possible this egg belonged with that bunch and I blindly marked it wrong in the bator. I'm completely baffled. Muscovy eggs are 35 days where I think other ducks are 28. It fully hatched a few hours ago, but I think there's some problems. There's brownish crap all over it and it has a rusty blood smell (for lack of better description). The yolk and everything appears absorbed. And maybe it's just too new with no mobility at the moment, but it looks like it has wry neck. It's chirping and moving. I'll see what's going on when I get home. If worse come to worse, DH will have to put it down. Still completely baffled....

=) Lol
Are you going to hatch any hybrids?

Oh weird, maybe you meant to mark it 6/17. We all make goofy typos!
I hope it does okay, maybe try gently wiping it off with a warm wet towel when you get home.
I would  put   Generation f23, hatch # 342  chick# 12322

Make them think you have millions and really know what you are doing, and to pick that one from the millions it must be the best!


I think I will just do BFCR-1 and BCH-1 since that what I have them down in in my breeding records.
Advice Needed: Interesting turn of events...or As the world turns. My father-in- law (whom we farm with but have separate homesteads) would like to hold back some of the rainbows from the chopping block. (We were raising 15 rainbows for meat for him along with our laying hens.) He wants to keep some hens for layers and hopefully he will get a "broody" next spring. He is big in showing the grandkids all about baby farm animals. Which of the following breeds should I give him to increase the chances of a "broody"? His intent is to also get eggs for consumption. He will never show or breed for show.

Silver Laced Wyndotte
Plymouth Barred Rock
Black Astralop (only have 1)
Black Sex link (only have 2)
Asian Blues (dual purpose bird - but they are small like BR)
Buff Orpington


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