Surviving Minnesota!

i think it did and I do believe it came off in pieces today. I didn’t call to check on him. He recruited some folks with strong backs and weak minds no doubt .

I’ve been up at my Mom and Dads house cleaning out cupboards and freezers with my sister. I wish I felt like doing this at my own house! Spent the night two nights. Happy with all the progress.
We had a beautiful day yesterday, did some productive things in the morning and then we rode horse for a while in the afternoon. My horse enjoyed being in the water.

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Morning . Rain stopped during the night . Ralphie nice build on the stove for boiling sap . Bought more flower roots and seeds yesterday . Getting the urge to start seeds probably near the end of the month . Saving eggs to hatch . Grandson bought 4 ducklings . I am tempted as I like to eat duck but probably no .
Well I had a uric acid test yesterday came back low or ok . So it is not gout . Got to the ortho doctor today . Took X-rays of both knees . Says arthritis / inflammation . So steroid shot in each knee . Potted up flower roots today . One package was dead so I returned it .
Ok so shortage of antibacterial soap . People not been washing their hands until now ? This is shocking . I use it all the time . Not stockpiling toilet paper either . I do not panic when it snows either . There are several strains of corona virus . Cold and flu are some . This is basically a viral pneumonia . There will be a vaccine . Chances are vaccine will be ready by fall .

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