~Team Jesus~

Miracles that God has done :)
Too much to type but I’ll share a few....
I couldn’t find a church that seemed right. And I didn’t like man telling me who God was. So I decided I wanted to know Jesus and went to a dollar tree and bought a KJV pocket Bible back in beginning of 2016.
Jesus helped me stop my addiction with biting my nails in an instant! I bit my nails for 30 years. In March of 2016 I was reading my KJV New Testament pocket Bible and said to Jesus I invited you into my heart. If you live in me please can’t you make me stop? I have tried my whole life and I can’t do it. In that exact moment is when I stopped having the urge to bite my nails!
I celebrate Jesus every 3/16 and how fitting because of the John 3:16 Verse?
If we look and listen God communicates with us in so many ways! My husband asked God if I could have her I promise I won’t be with anyone else. I didn’t like him more than a friend and told him I never would. But then I got to know him better. And we had so much in common. And God gave me the kind of man I really wanted and needed. To this day he still “chases me”. And truly loves me. And only this kind of love comes from God.
A couple months ago I prayed through out the day I felt such an urge to continue to pray out loud. I covered my husband and his truck with the living blood of Jesus. And prayed against anything that might want to stop our blessings. More was said in prayer but to keep this short I won’t go into detail.
That day when my Husnand got out of work he decided to go through a drive through for coffee before he hit the highway. Which is less than 30 seconds from the coffee shop. As he pulled up to the window and put his foot on his breaks his break Line broke!!!! He would have had that happen on the highway!!!!
Jesus saved him!!! My prayers were answered!!
I couldn’t have a baby. I lost 5 total in my life. That I know of. I wanted a baby so bad. I was reading about Elizabeth (my name also) and said to God please can’t I have just one? I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl I just want someone to love! Children are a blessing of the lord and I promise I will teach them
About you and keep them
Safe in this world. One month later I got pregnant with my now son! I’ve lost two since then. But I know they are all with our Heavenly Father!
I have SOOOOOOO many stories!
Too much to type on my phone.
Thank you for making this post!
But I think the question was about our earthly pets specifically. There will be animals in heaven, of course, but will they be the same animals we had here on earth?
I think they will. God made a covenant with them, and he cares deeply about their treatment.
My father is of the opinion that since they have no spirit (or maybe he said soul) they just return to dust.
Yeah I’ve heard people say that too. It’s a mystery. Haha
I can only go by what I read in the Good book.
Too much to type but I’ll share a few....
I couldn’t find a church that seemed right. And I didn’t like man telling me who God was. So I decided I wanted to know Jesus and went to a dollar tree and bought a KJV pocket Bible back in beginning of 2016.
Jesus helped me stop my addiction with biting my nails in an instant! I bit my nails for 30 years. In March of 2016 I was reading my KJV New Testament pocket Bible and said to Jesus I invited you into my heart. If you live in me please can’t you make me stop? I have tried my whole life and I can’t do it. In that exact moment is when I stopped having the urge to bite my nails!
I celebrate Jesus every 3/16 and how fitting because of the John 3:16 Verse?
If we look and listen God communicates with us in so many ways! My husband asked God if I could have her I promise I won’t be with anyone else. I didn’t like him more than a friend and told him I never would. But then I got to know him better. And we had so much in common. And God gave me the kind of man I really wanted and needed. To this day he still “chases me”. And truly loves me. And only this kind of love comes from God.
A couple months ago I prayed through out the day I felt such an urge to continue to pray out loud. I covered my husband and his truck with the living blood of Jesus. And prayed against anything that might want to stop our blessings. More was said in prayer but to keep this short I won’t go into detail.
That day when my Husnand got out of work he decided to go through a drive through for coffee before he hit the highway. Which is less than 30 seconds from the coffee shop. As he pulled up to the window and put his foot on his breaks his break Line broke!!!! He would have had that happen on the highway!!!!
Jesus saved him!!! My prayers were answered!!
I couldn’t have a baby. I lost 5 total in my life. That I know of. I wanted a baby so bad. I was reading about Elizabeth (my name also) and said to God please can’t I have just one? I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl I just want someone to love! Children are a blessing of the lord and I promise I will teach them
About you and keep them
Safe in this world. One month later I got pregnant with my now son! I’ve lost two since then. But I know they are all with our Heavenly Father!
I have SOOOOOOO many stories!
Too much to type on my phone.
Thank you for making this post!
That's so beautiful Elizabeth! Keep sharing, you can never testify too much❤️
I'm not laughing at christianity in general. I am not christian but still come to this thread to try and learn about other people's beliefs. Some things just strike me as funny. No need to be so uptight about it. I choose never to interfere or try to interject my thoughts into this thread or the other dozen like it because I respect you alls space and feelings. But some posts I read, I think are funny, so I hit the laugh reaction.
You can learn much better if you look for the King James Bible online. It’s free and it’s a good read. I suggest the New Testement first. Read it like poetry.
I bought my sister a Bible and wrote inside “this book will keep you from sin. Or sin will keep you from this book.”
All my questions of why in life were answered when I read the Bible. And I still read it. It is a book to read as long as you live. “Beloved let us love one another. For love is of God. And everyone that loveth is born of God. And know that God. He that loveth not. Knoweth not God for God is love.”
When I was in my 20s I didn’t know why my boyfriend at the time couldn’t love me. That opened my eyes. I am now married to a Man who is capable of real love. The love God wants his people to have.
Ever wonder why they mock God/Jesus in movies and tv shows? But never Budah for example?
Check out the Holy Bible for yourself.
I was raised in a Jewish household, following the old testament. As an adult, I basically just worship the Earth/nature. I don't prescribe to any specific label though. I def can't buy into monotheism, or that this one omnipotent god had a human son that died and came back to life.

To Each Their Own.

I guess I only really get frustrated when christian values are injected into american politics/laws. IE abortion. Despite what any one may believe, we are NOT a christian nation. Separation of church and state is supposed to be a real thing. Every one deserves to worship how they want in private, but it shouldn't be part of the fabric of the country built on freedom, religious and otherwise.
If you read the Bible as the true story stories they are and you asked God to help you understand it... you’d see how it has everything to do with God/Jesus.
He had to come in the flesh to die. He was the Blood sacrifice we needed to Go back to the Father. He never did anything bad. He shed his blood for everyone. Even you. But we all have free will. He doesn’t chase you. You have to want to know him. And you being curious might give you that urge to read and see what real believers know and understand. It’s for everyone.
From what I've heard it's a pagan spring fertility rite "holiday" that the Catholic Church tried to "christianize" by applying Jesus' resurrection to it. But it seems nobody really pays much attention to that anymore. It's all about the bunnies and the eggs and the candy, all of which have pagan roots in this so-called "holiday".
That is true. That’s it in a nutshell.
Hello devoted Christians! :frow
In Romans 15:7 Paul writes, “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

This thread is going to be about anything and everything related to Jesus! You can share bible verses, miracles, fun facts, and just talk about our heavenly father!

We all need Jesus in our lives now more than ever.
So lets show him some well deserved love!

God bless you all!
The Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, is the Life Force. Skip the middleman…. Just sayin’….
And were was he when I needed help! I never seen him!
I can suggest finding Jesus yourself. If you really want to know him how about spend some time with him? You could start with 1 John. But the New Testament is worth reading. If you commit to reading the entire NT then you would have the knowledge that you are searching for. No man on earth can show you Jesus. If they say they can they lie.
When you want to get to know someone you hang out with them and talk to them.
Reading Gods written word is spending time with Him. Jesus is the Living Word.
If you feel sad and lost in life wouldn’t m it be nice to know who can help?
I will tell you personally that no person in this world could help me. Then I read the entire New Testament and it changed my life. While reading I was praying, which is just talking to God, and the pain from an abusive childhood was gone. I read the promises God gives to his people and I claimed them for myself. It’s not meant to be a mystery. It’s meant for everyone. Anyone who will put in the time and effort to try and understand. If you search in the wrong places you will be deceived.
It is hard to grasp when you want to see and hear for proof. But the Bible tells us in romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
You can’t have faith if you have not heard the truth.
I bought my NT as a pocket Bible at a dollar tree. If I knew you I would give you one as a gift. We were given the BEST gift of all! A man, like you, was born. He was tempted with anything and everything that was humanly possible. He did nothing bad while living on this earth. The rulers HATED him! So they killed him. And he willingly died just you and me. Anyone who would except him as their savior. His blood was shed for us. The Bible tells us we are not our own we were bought at a price. But only if you accept that free gift.
If you decide to read for yourself I ask you Lord to send the Holy Spirit to minister unto salsheep20. Help this person to see the truth. To understand the WHYS in life. Just like you did for me. I ask that you help anyone, not just this person, who takes the time to read your word. Help them see that you are real and we will one day be back with you.
We can never be in the presence of God because we are not Holy.
You would have to go back to the Old Testament to learn more. But to know Jesus please just read the NT.
It’s free online King James Version.
Any other version is changed too much.
I want to write more but I have Mom stuff to do.
Good luck and I hope you open your heart and mind to what you are entitled to know.
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