~Team Jesus~

This may be sudden but I’m very worried and have been praying often.
My brother has been mysteriously fevering with uncontrollable heart rate and BP.

He cannot urinate well and I’m worried that it could be something terrible.
He’s on growth hormones which could bring his leukemia back. they might be Ambulancing him to the childrens hospital.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Rooster! I'll be praying 🙏
Y'all, just stuff your faces with those delicious sugar covered marshmallows and be excited that new people are coming to church! Many people never step foot in a church except for Easter and Christmas, both of these holidays are a great time to preach the gospel truth and love these new people. Just this Sunday I got to see a couple new folks in my church get saved, nothing could be more beautiful in my eyes.
Christmas is technically a "pagan holiday" as well, but can you remove jesus from it? NO. God can take anything the enemy tries to use and turn it around for his glory.
Y'all, just stuff your faces with those delicious sugar covered marshmallows and be excited that new people are coming to church! Many people never step foot in a church except for Easter and Christmas, both of these holidays are a great time to preach the gospel truth and love these new people. Just this Sunday I got to see a couple new folks in my church get saved, nothing could be more beautiful in my eyes.
Christmas is technically a "pagan holiday" as well, but can you remove jesus from it? NO. God can take anything the enemy tries to use and turn it around for his glory.
I agree. Thank you.
Y'all, just stuff your faces with those delicious sugar covered marshmallows and be excited that new people are coming to church! Many people never step foot in a church except for Easter and Christmas, both of these holidays are a great time to preach the gospel truth and love these new people. Just this Sunday I got to see a couple new folks in my church get saved, nothing could be more beautiful in my eyes.
Christmas is technically a "pagan holiday" as well, but can you remove jesus from it? NO. God can take anything the enemy tries to use and turn it around for his glory.
Another thing I'd like to add: if it convicts you don't do it. Sorry if it seemed like I was telling anyone to celebrate it regardless of it's origins, if you feel very strongly that it's wrong then follow your convictions and don't observe any "pagan holidays"
Another thing I'd like to add: if it convicts you don't do it. Sorry if it seemed like I was telling anyone to celebrate it regardless of it's origins, if you feel very strongly that it's wrong then follow your convictions and don't observe any "pagan holidays"
It doesn't really bother me, just if you're going to celebrate it, do it for the right reasons. If you say this holiday is about Jesus, then you should celebrate it the way he would want you to.
Personally I think so... The Bible speaks of animals in heaven so why wouldn't animals on earth have souls that go to heaven?
I also like to think of it this way; humans, animals, and plants, are all considered organisms but there is a big difference between plants and animals. Plants can't think, make decisions, feel emotions, have individual preferences, connect or have friendships with others. But animals, especially dogs, can. 😉 I would like to think that this indicates that animals have souls. 🙂
I might be a crazy lady that loves trees and plants and flowers. But the Bible says everything under heaven praises God. That includes mountains, hills, trees, plants, flowers, the moon, the sun, the stars, everything.

Have you heard the music trees make? Or the music plants make? There's people out there that connect plants to these music devices and you can hear the different type of music they make.
Personally I think so... The Bible speaks of animals in heaven so why wouldn't animals on earth have souls that go to heaven?
I also like to think of it this way; humans, animals, and plants, are all considered organisms but there is a big difference between plants and animals. Plants can't think, make decisions, feel emotions, have individual preferences, connect or have friendships with others. But animals, especially dogs, can. 😉 I would like to think that this indicates that animals have souls. 🙂

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