
Yep, we haven't been that dry! We're getting some of it now too! Got about 3.5 " today.
We have only managed 0.25" so far =( looks like we are pretty much on the dry side of this low already https://tropicaltidbits.com/storminfo/#91L the radar in HOU looks pretty wet. Some stations south of HOU are reporting some major rain since midnight, Wharton, TX 7+" and Holiday Beach 5+" guess they are getting trained bad. But most of Houston Metro is 1" or less. Port Aransas is showing 5+" and Rockport has put up good numbers too! I'm getting my rainfall numbers from https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap and selecting the rainfall layer just in case you were wondering and then scrolling to the size of the map I want.

In chicken news all my chicken are in grumpy moods this morning, layer boxes are full and the dogs are getting attacked by them. Heck the cat needed protection and carried past them this morning he missed his Can o'clock date with us and my wife was worried something happened to him in the night.
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My mom's.
Needville area.
See the chairs on the dock?
Garden is getting a little wet now too.

She said it's been coming down hard all night.

My side of town is still ok.
We have only managed 0.25" so far =(
Yep, Houston's gona get hammered...they don't need it! :(
We're getting more today, too! :barniethe two air masses are converging right over us... oh well, next month we'll be begging for rain. :lau
Yep it passed us and we are already begging for more here it wasn't a drought buster as far as the rain goes.

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