The Honey Factory

I do have a question on what he did. He said he was going to rinse the soap off and use the comb, which makes sense, but there is brood in that comb.

Would the soap penetrate the sealed cells? Would the soap kill the larvae and eggs?

I would not want to risk one of those lil bastardians hatching out. If brood is thrown in the freezer for a couple days would it kill them and the eggs?

I don’t know on the soap... but yeah freezing the frames would kill the brood... I agree I wouldn’t want of that meanness surviving... particularly drones that might pass it on
I just use the same ones every year. Having the drawn comb speeds things along.

Yeah, that’s a good plan

I’ve been checkerboarding some foundation-less frames in with the existing so I can pull cut comb honey...

but I hope to need a least one more super for the new split also... two if things go well

we’ll see though... our summer dearth can shut things down some years... others years we get enough showers to keep things going ...

I might treat the split like a package and feed it heavily if things get too dry in July and August... and let them draw some frames of foundation out... I don’t plan to take honey from that hive ... but if the late flow is strong I might put another super on
Honeybee on Dandelion





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