The Honey Factory

Three boats? Ralphie’s bees are spoiled! My bees don’t have a boat or three, but they do get fresh OJ 😉

I put out orange halves to feed the orioles as they migrate through and this naughty bee thought I put it out for her 🙄

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We have no orioles here yet.
Hey, I ran into an interesting fact. Apparently a healthy hive that simply no longer has a queen and brood will overproduce honey due to nothing better to do. If you are planning on letting them die this winter anyway, might be worth tracking her down and killing her mid to late fall and let the workers stuff the hive for you rather than them trying to huddle in the hive and eat honey until they die.

I have not read that.

Everything I see says if there is no queen the hive becomes lazy except for making a queen.

I might try to reduce to a 5 frame nuc for winter if I can figure out a warmer place for them.

My learning curve is straight up at this time with not leveling off in sight.

I have not read that.

Everything I see says if there is no queen the hive becomes lazy except for making a queen.

I might try to reduce to a 5 frame nuc for winter if I can figure out a warmer place for them.

My learning curve is straight up at this time with not leveling off in sight.
It was just something I read and I thought of you and your "Annual seed bees". May not be true, I don't have bees other than the dirt dobbers and wood bores at the farm
We have no orioles here yet.

I just saw them here for the first time today... pretty much right on schedule with when we normally see them here, give or take a day or two for weather and traffic 😉

but they’re headed your way!

I just saw them here for the first time today... pretty much right on schedule with when we normally see them here, give or take a day or two for weather and traffic 😉

but they’re headed your way!

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I have not seen or heard one yet.
But... The hound dog is keeping most of the wild birds away from the back yard. 😣
I should probably feed the Orioles in the front yard this year to save them from harassment.
I have not seen or heard one yet.
But... The hound dog is keeping most of the wild birds away from the back yard. 😣
I should probably feed the Orioles in the front yard this year to save them from harassment.

Don’t blame that innocent pot licker... it’s the dux not the dog...

Ralphie has lobbied the NAOA (North American Oriole Association) to boycott all houses with resident dux... it was in the fine print of the stimulus legislation, lol

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