The Honey Factory

View attachment 2139015
View attachment 2139016I hope to be able to tell more tomorrow when it is supposed to be in the 80’s.
I did remove the extra beeswax they were building on the under side of the cover andI added the 2nd brooder box.
When I added the additional sugar water Icould tell there was still some (plenty?) in it already. But it was made. If they don’t use it I’ll just dump it.

Also what variety did you get, they look beefier than mine. I need beefy bees.
No broken bones, but how’d you get that footage of me tree surfing?! 😉

I think/hope we got the queen in the new box...

I’d set a new box as a swarm trap out a couple weeks ago... was planning a hive check tomorrow... to decide if I needed to split...
The swarm assembled directly... I mean gnats ass perfectly above the new box ... but up 30 foot ( 9-10 meters) or so 🙄...

I felt like there was a pretty good chance it would go to the box if I left it s alone, but that queen and I have become close, and I was scared I’d miss her too much... so I decided to risk a ladder and pole saw dance to try to get her in the box...

I moved the box, and my fearless wife in head to toe gear helped me cut down the limb ...

As the limb came down the swarm shook loose and probably 75% of it landed exactly where the new box would have been if I’d left it there 🥴

long story short I waited till the bees started to ball up and then scooped and brushed the main balls of bees into the box hoping the queen was in there...

after a minute or three, the bees began to march into the box...

then I went to collect eggs from the chicken coop and found a skunk in a cage trap... so I have tomorrow’s adventure queued up too 😜

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WOW! Never a dull moment at your homestead, Brother Oz! Your DW looks absolutely fetching in her beekeeper's garb, too, I might add. Glad you captured both the bees and the striped marauder with no serious injury to life or limb. Too bad we could not witness the tree surfing on a dedicated YouTube channel. You know you can make good money that way, right? Be safe (mostly) but keep those cameras rolling next time .... :lau
yeah that comb is really pushing out of the frame. don' pay attention to me i have only 1 year of experience
And I have 6 weeks,, lol
:lau both of you have way more experience than me! I have about 10 days worth of experience! I have a mentor but she hasn't been able to come over plus the weather has been rainy, and kind of cold 50's and 60's.

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