The Honey Factory

I could see it just fine, I knew right away it’s a kindabrown bird.
Funny funny.

I don't see too well, and I wrote a poem about birdwatching through the years w my eagle eyed family..

Birdwatching While (Semi-)Blind

Such Delight
To watch quietly scarcely breathing
As friendly chipping, hopping and flipping
Uncovers tasty treasures
For white ringed eyes to find.
Red capped heads
Scurry round trees.
Subtle bars of beauty
Spotted underwings
Russet, gold and olive,
The treasures I don't see.
When they flurry away
I see their flash of gray
I've learned to say
Oh, there he goes!
And not expose
I can't tell his wing from his toes.
Its a cool name. I would never kiss a bee. I got stung today putting on a honey super, i barley felt it and the pain lasted only a few seconds
My son got stung when he was little and he said he couldn't understand why the bee stung him, "I ALways pet them!"
I was amazed and thought that was really cool
Frames back in place with queen cage suspended between two frames

Queen excluder

Medium super

Inner cover

Hive closed up
Thank you very much for the photos and explanations in this post. I have a few supers with frames and bases and covers that my brother found this year. Not sure how everything goes together, exactly. I'm also a little scared of bees. Not 10 or 20 bees but hundreds, yes. I've always wanted to have a hive and now have some equipment to clean up

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