The Honey Factory

Hope you can post a follow up on this later!~ I hope it works out for you!

I did see some videos on the internet with people experimenting with 2 frame nucs through the winter, and they did get them to survive!

So its possible~! And a fun experiment!

I could talk about bees all day!
Yes I think treating it as a nuc might work . I hate to lose any . Glad mine are gentle enough .
Good buy but overkill for us . Hey I watched guys do 2 queen hives to boost weak hive . They put a layer of newspaper , then queen excluder , then weak hive on top . By the time they chew through the paper the queen smells have merged and bees work both hives . Boosting the weak hive . About 3 weeks max , then separate . I will remember this if I get another late or small swarm .
So...what do people do before they can afford all these cool toys for honey extraction?
What I did was to scrape the comb off of the foundation, put it in cheesecloth and squeeze the honey out by hand. I would also hang the cheesecloth ball over a bowl to catch the dripping honey since it was not possible for me to squeeze it all out.
My dad used to use gravity and then squeeze it out by hand. I use a 2 frame hand crank that is manual that @R2elk thinks is medieval. :lau
Not medieval but takes too long for me when going through 50 to 60 frames in a good year. In those years my 3 frame extractor takes too many hand cranks.

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